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    He who would search pearls dive deep.

    中文: 不潜深水采不到珍珠。 更详细进入...
    His face was beaded with tears.

    中文: 他脸上挂着滴滴泪珠。 更详细进入...
    her mind is tiffany-twisted,

    中文: 她的心为珠宝所扭曲, 更详细进入...
    “a fragile dewdrop” (John Keats).

    中文: “易碎的露珠”(约翰·济慈)。 更详细进入...
    Pearl S.Buck and Postcolonialism

    中文: 赛珍珠与后殖民主义 更详细进入...
    The Molecular and Genetic Control of Ovule Morphogenesis

    中文: 胚珠发育的分子机理 更详细进入...
    New Materials of Phyllanthus

    中文: 叶下珠属植物新资料 更详细进入...
    Witnessing Re Leone and Zorro hand in hand, in perfect complices commiting the most perfect hold up in terra juventina and running towards # 16! Unforgettable!!!

    中文: “狮子王”维阿与“佐罗”博班珠联璧合,相得益彰,他们帮助球队客场完胜尤文图斯,为夺取第十六个联赛冠军奠定了基础!令人难以忘怀!!! 更详细进入...
    Christ, I miss the Cold War.

    中文: 天,我怀念冷战。 更详细进入...
    How long has she been pregnant?

    中文: 她怀孕多久了? 更详细进入...
    There\'s no room for doubt about it .

    中文: 此事无可怀疑。 更详细进入...
    It is unknown why, but after she became pregnant she allowed the potion to wear off and Riddle abandoned her.

    中文: 我们不知道她在怀孕之后为什么没有继续给汤姆下药,而导致最终被汤姆遗弃。 更详细进入...
    Perfect gentleman aboveboard reflect the sentiments meditations Huaiyuan ambitions!

    中文: 完美地体现出君子坦荡荡的情怀,静思怀远的志向! 更详细进入...
    2 AA+ Perfect Round; Excellent Luster; Thick Nacre (.5 of total nacre or better); 90-95% Inclusion Free Surface; Excellent Matching; Top 5% of a Pearl Farm's Harvest.

    中文: 圆度极高,极好的光泽,厚的珠层(0.5或以上的珠层含量),90-95%的表皮光洁度,极好的匹配,珠农收成中最好的5%部份。 更详细进入...
    Our Location: We are located in Zhuhai's golden triangle region, close to Hong Kong and Macau. The convenience of this superior position saves both time and money for our clients.

    中文: 位置:处于以珠海为中心的珠三角地带,毗邻港澳,交通便利。可为珠三角地区的销售节约大量的运输及时间成本。 更详细进入...
    Banana seedlings inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4 appeared some symptoms, such as yellow leaves, browning corm tissue (occured in the earlier period), wilting leaves, browning corm and pesudostem tissue, blacking roots (occured in

    中文: 摘要用枯萎病菌4号生理小种接种香蕉苗后,观察发现:香蕉苗在发病初期出现了黄叶、球茎组织变褐症状;发病中期出现了叶片萎蔫、球茎组织变褐、假茎可见斑点状或线条状褐色病变、根变黑褐症状;发病后期出现了植株萎蔫、枯死等症状。 更详细进入...
    The abductor had been profiled as someone whose child had died recently, or as someone who could not have children, but had told people she was pregnant and needed to steal a child so her lie would not be found out.

    中文: 绑架者被描述为一位自己的孩子刚刚死去的人,或者是一位无法怀孕,但却告诉人们她已经怀孕了,所以她需要找一个来自圆其说的女人。 更详细进入...
    [b]Bead[/b] The power of beads to bring good luck or to ward off bad luck is among our most ancient beliefs.

    中文: 珠子[/b]珠子有带来好运或辟邪的能力是我们最为古老的信念之一。 更详细进入...
    Relationships between pollen histochemistry,pollen grain number,ovule number and pollinators in Phyllanthaceae

    中文: 叶下珠科花粉组织化学、花粉数和胚珠数及其与传粉者关系的研究 更详细进入...
    A man was arrested with a bottle of inflammable liquid yesterday outside the trial of seven pro-democracy activists accused of obstruction during the Fortune Global Forum.

    中文: 一名男子身怀一瓶易燃液体在审讯七名民主派积极份子的法庭外被拘捕,他们被指控在全球财富论坛期间阻街。 更详细进入...

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