In the cross-sectional studies, cardiorespiratory function of 90 middle-aged (range 50-64 yrs) and 76 elderly (range 65-80 yrs) subjects were tested by cycle ergometry.
中文: 在横断式研究中,有90位中年人(50至64岁)及76位老年人(65至80岁)参与,依性别各分为太极拳组与对照组。 更详细进入...
Amidst the mists and coldest frosts, with stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, he thrusts his fist against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.
中文: 在满布薄雾,严寒期最冻的那天,他用最结实的手腕和最自夸的话用拳头猛力推打柱子,而且声称他见鬼。 更详细进入...
I enrolled in the classes and through regular practice my health and fitness improved rapidly.
中文: 我为陈瑜老师高超的太极拳技术及深厚的功底所震惊,我从末见过哪个人的功夫象他那样出神入化。 更详细进入...
Marine: Iron Hand, we have a problem. It appears to be capable of near instant regeneration of component sections. I think we need to simultaneous destroy all segements.
中文: 陆战队员:“铁拳,我们发现一个问题。它有立即再生附近残体的能力。我想我们必须同时消灭它的各个部分。” 更详细进入...
While taekwondo and triathlon both debuted as the newest Olympic orts at the Sydney 2000 Games, triathlon was literally the newest ort.
中文: 当跆拳道和铁人三项在2000年悉尼奥运会同时被列入奥运项目时,铁人三项无疑是一项完全新生的运动。 更详细进入...
Xu Rongdong, a Chinese doctor, enjoys high prestige in curing many difficult and complicated illnesses through a miraculous treatment he invented, which combines kungfu with acupuncture and moxibustion.
中文: 中国医生许荣东分明了一种神奇的功夫拳与针灸相结合的疗法,治愈了许多疑难病症,享有很好的声誉。 更详细进入...
In the caves, he met a beast, then cut quite short with his evil fists, and when they all were frightened of all, but chieftain came and claimed his all.
中文: 歌词意思:在洞穴里,他见到了一个怪兽,于是用他罪恶的拳头马上了结了怪兽,当那里的人对他的行为感到恐惧时,酋长来了,并向他索赔死去的怪兽。 更详细进入...
Ratka: You win one, you not win three! Next, Ratka knock you over, one punch You still stand, you pass test!
中文: 瑞特卡:你赢了一局,你不会赢三局!下一局,瑞特卡会打你,如果一拳没把你打倒的话,你就通过这项测试! 更详细进入...
While taekwondo and triathlon both debuted as the newest Olympic sports at the Sydney 2000 Games, triathlon was literally the newest sport.
中文: 当跆拳道和铁人三项在2000年悉尼奥运会同时被列入奥运项目时,铁人三项无疑是一项完全新生的运动。 更详细进入...
But before China's critics start warming up for a fight, they should bear in mind that PPP points to where currencies ought to go in the long run.
中文: 但是,在中国的批评家摩拳擦掌行将反驳前,他们应当记住,购买力评价指出的是各国货币应发展的长远方向。 更详细进入...
In this superb video production Muay Thai is brought to you with an easy-to-follow narration, and every move demonstrated by a master of this ancient and noble art.
中文: 此精品碟将泰拳技术用简单易懂的叙述方式展现在你面前,每一个招数都由一位技法精湛的大师亲自示范。 更详细进入...
There are also many devotees of baseball and softball, table tennis and rifle-shooting, boxing, wrestling, judo, archery, rowing, fencing, gymnastics, ten-pin bowling.
中文: 当然另外也有很多人着迷于棒球、垒球、乒乓球、射击、拳击、摔跤、现代柔道、射箭、划船、击剑、体操和十柱滚木球戏等。 更详细进入...
Yalei Dance Studio offers courses in ballet, the ever-popular jazz and Latino dances and tap dancing.
中文: 雅蕾舞蹈工作室开设有芭蕾、热门的爵士、拉丁舞、弗拉明戈、肚皮舞等以及独特的踢踏舞、瑜伽,跆拳道多种课程。 更详细进入...
The Inauguration Ceremony held at April 28, 2006 with Northern Shaolin practitioners from all over the world together government officials.
中文: 2006年4月28日,北少林门弟子与正红镇政府联合举行北少林拳南传宗师顾汝章先生陵墓塑像开光揭幕典礼。 更详细进入...
Sydney was a peak and that legacy can't be tak-en away, first Olympic gold medalist for 32 years.
中文: 奥运冠军英国拳击手哈里森说:“作为第一个32岁的奥运会冠军,悉尼是我个人的一个巅峰,这个传奇不被抹杀。 更详细进入...
As the living condition went worse and worse, and the resources were limited, to live on and lead a better life, both of them want to conquer the other.
中文: 由于生活环境的恶化和资源的短缺,为了生活下去并且赢得更好的生活条件,双方摩拳擦掌都想要征服对方。) 更详细进入...
I am a creative and funny big boy. Some of my interests include traveling, composing music for piano/guitar, studying world history, kickboxing and swimming.
中文: 我是一个有创造性的有趣的大男孩。我的一些兴趣包括旅游,用钢琴和吉他编曲,学习世界历史,跆拳道和游泳。 更详细进入...
Muhammad Ali began his journey into boxing with his bicycle being stolen and his promises of revenge to whomever took his ride again.
中文: 莫汉默德?阿里开始他的拳击生涯是因为他的自行车被人偷了,并且他承诺不管谁要是再敢偷他的车,他就要报复。 更详细进入...
Never admit fear. Ride the roller coaster, and join the fistfight, do what you have to do. Asking for help is for sissies.
中文: 不能承认自己害怕。要敢于坐过山车,敢于参与拳斗,敢于做自己必须要做的事情。求人帮忙就会被指责为女里女气。 更详细进入...
The very interesting boxing competition game, your goal is overthrows the match, tries quickly! In game operating procedure: 1 character keyboard ADSW; control, 2 character small keyboards 4658 controls.
中文: 请帮忙翻译,要英文,谢谢很有意思的拳击比赛游戏,你的目标就是将对手打倒,快来试试吧!游戏中的操作方法:1号人物键盘“ADSW”控制,2号人物小键盘“4658控制”。 更详细进入...