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Muhammad Ali began his journey into boxing with his bicycle being stolen and his promises of revenge to whomever took his ride again.

Muggle-borns and half-bloods too are likely to, if not “dilute your blood”, to borrow an expression from the Death Eater propaganda, at least decrease the number of people with two magic alleles on their gene-pair and thus increase the chances of successi 如果我们从食死徒的宣传中借来一些概念(如果不用‘冲淡你的血统’一类字眼),与麻瓜出身的巫师和混血巫师的结合至少会减少一双基因都是由魔法等位基因组成的人的数目,因此增加了在将来的持续后代中突发大规模‘哑炮瘟疫’的可能性。
Muggles all over the world start to get suspicious as more and more witches are flying all over the countryside, sometimes with no particular place to go; broom accidents are more and more common since the enchanted Muggle brooms offer no protection for t 全世界的麻瓜都开始怀疑了,因为越来越多的女巫飞过那些乡村,有时甚至没有个确切的目的地;自从在事故中对骑着扫帚的人们没有任何保护的施了魔法的麻瓜扫帚出现,或者仅仅因为他们特殊的爱好而一时失控,这些导致乘坐扫帚发生的事故屡见不鲜。
Muggles as well as wizards will find copies of this well-known reference at bookshops everywhere. 麻瓜和巫师都可以在各个书店中找到这本著名的参考书。
Muggles would probably panic if they were aware of the wizards in their presence. 要是让麻瓜和魔法照面,会把他们吓坏的。
Muggles, however hard they try to imagine a different order in the world, cannot rid themselves of the illusion of somewhere having to have an absolute fixed point in space. 无论麻瓜们怎样努力地想象世界的另一个规则,他们都不能使自己摆脱一种错觉,那就是一个地方必须存在于空间中一个固定的点上。
Muhammad Ali began his journey into boxing with his bicycle being stolen and his promises of revenge to whomever took his ride again. 莫汉默德?阿里开始他的拳击生涯是因为他的自行车被人偷了,并且他承诺不管谁要是再敢偷他的车,他就要报复。
Muhammad Yunus, Bangladesh's Banker to the Poorwho provided loans to help millions of people fight poverty by starting businesses, has won the Nobel Peace Prize. 孟加拉「穷人银行家」尤努斯提供贷款,帮助千百万人自己创业抗贫,使他赢得诺贝尔和平奖。
Muhammad Yunus, left, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, and Mosammat Taslima Begum, representing Mr. Yunus's Grameen Bank, arriving for the award ceremony at Oslo Town Hall today. 孟加拉国穷人银行家尤努斯和他创办的小额信贷银行代表今天在奥斯陆登上诺贝尔和平奖领奖台,他说,他希望这次获奖将激励他大胆的创意更好的消灭贫困、根除恐怖主义的祸根。
Mui Zai started the concert with 3 quick songs, the atmosphere immediately was brought to the boiling point. 演出一开始梅姐便连续演唱了三首快歌,一下子就将演唱会的气氛掀起。
Mui: I believe so. But if we doubt so much, then love will never exist, or love is blind. 梅:我相信的!如果要怀疑这么多的话,那就没有爱了。爱就是瞎了眼。
Muilti-functional pliers are the nemest of our products with 2 national patents.They are manufactured with newly introduced advanced technology and fine production process.They are touched comfortable with multi functions and well received by theusers and 多功能工具钳是本公司最新产品之一,集成两项国家专利,引进先进生产工艺精工制作,手感舒适,功能强大,深受用户好评,市场前景良好。

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