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    Choosing the right words is therefore vitally important if your application is to stand out from the rest,says Karen Pine, a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire.

    中文: “因此,如果你的应聘材料想要脱颖而出的话,选择适当的单词非常重要,”赫特福德大学的心理学家卡伦·佩恩说。 更详细进入...
    Deceit is not my fault!I cried out in a savage, high voice.

    中文: “欺骗不是我的缺点!”我发疯似的大叫一声。 更详细进入...
    Dark enough and sinister enough.

    中文: “足够隐秘,足够阴险。” 更详细进入...
    Circulate line selection in double directionis a new selection procedure combined multiplication of seeds and development of new varieties.

    中文: 摘要“株系循环双向选优法”是将原品种繁殖与新品种选育相结合的新方法。 更详细进入...
    Did Charlotte dine with you?

    中文: “夏绿蒂在我们家里吃饭的吗?” 更详细进入...
    Concentrated epidemics in injection-drug users are spilling into the general public,explains De Lay.

    中文: 德雷解释说:「疫情正由集中在注射毒品使用者蔓延至一般大众。」 更详细进入...
    Club America is playing at a very high level right now and the match will be a true test for our team as we begin preparation for the new season,the Chelsea boss said.

    中文: “美洲队的实力很强,因此这样的比赛是对我们真正的考验,尤其是在备战新赛季的关键阶段,”穆里尼奥说。 更详细进入...
    Did the first Christian have an inside track, some way of living the Christian life which I do not have and cannot have?

    中文: 当初的基督徒到底有没有一套秘诀,一套基督徒生活的秘诀,是我们没有的、也不能有的呢? 更详细进入...
    Despite some people's perception about traditional gender bias in Chinese society, it is positive to note that today three places across two shores achieve such a high proportion of business with senior females,Wong said.

    中文: 她说:“尽管有人认为中国社会存在男女不平等的传统观念,但如今,两岸三地聘用女性任要职的企业比例达到很高水平,这是不容置疑的。” 更详细进入...
    Consumer attention would be diverted to the face if there were one,said Matsui, the designer, noting he wanted customers to focus on the clothes or jewelry the mannequin wears.

    中文: 设计者松井先生说“如果有脸孔的话会转移顾客的吸引力”,他不希望客户专注在机器人所穿的衣服或珠宝上. 更详细进入...
    Delivers with a colorful, lush and witty world under the sea.

    中文: 本片带给了观众们色彩斑斓、巍巍壮观、机智诙谐的海底世界. 更详细进入...
    Consumerism as a term is no longer seen as a bad word and the acquisition of material things is no longer seen as going against Indian traits.

    中文: “消费主义作为一个术语已经不再是一个坏词眼,获取物质也不再认为是与印度特征背道而驰的。” 更详细进入...
    Correct ideas are not innate in the mind, but come from social practice.

    中文: "正确的思想不是头脑中固有的,而是来源于社会实践。" 更详细进入...
    Cotton swabs dipped in iodine can be used to wipe someone's back. So I thought, why can't I use it on paper? I've been painting like this for 20 years.

    中文: 创世基金会董事长曹庆说,棉花棒沾碘酒可在人的背上擦来擦去,所以我想何不在纸上使用棉花棒,这一画就画了20多年了。 更详细进入...
    Could we ever get permission?

    中文: “我们会被允许吗?” 更详细进入...
    Do I? do I have to keep him with me?Harry asked, aghast, as Kreacher thrashed around at his feet.

    中文: “我——我一定得带着它么?”哈利吃惊地问道。而克利切正在他脚边痛打着自己。 更详细进入...
    Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another's speech.

    中文: 创11:7我们下去、在那里变乱他们的口音、使他们的言语、彼此不通。 更详细进入...
    Do not call to mind the former things, Or ponder things of the past.

    中文: 赛43:18耶和华如此说、你们不要记念从前的事、也不要思想古时的事。 更详细进入...
    Disease is the bullet killing frogs, but climate change is pulling the trigger,says Alan Pounds, an ecologist at the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve and Tropical Science Center in Costa Rica.

    中文: 阿兰·庞兹是哥斯达黎加的蒙特沃德云雾森林保护区和热带科学中心的生态学家,他说:“疾病是杀死蛙类的子弹,但扣动扳机的却是气候变化。” 更详细进入...
    Crusaders take command of the battle, and their powers take command of their enemies.

    中文: 十字军战士们命令着战局,而他们的力量命令着他们的敌人。 更详细进入...

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