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    The boys made away with the contents of the refrigerator.

    中文: 男孩子们把冰箱中的食物吃得精光。 更详细进入...
    The food must be nice judge by the aroma.

    中文: 根据香味来判断,这食物一定很好吃. 更详细进入...
    A pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and a fool at the other.

    中文: 用纸卷着的一撮烟草,一端是火,另一端是傻瓜。 更详细进入...
    It transpired that the fire was caused by a careless smoker.

    中文: 据传这场大火是由一位粗心的吸烟者造成的。 更详细进入...
    You have been imparted the following experiences when you have your first period ---Don't eat raw and cold food; don't do severe activities.

    中文: 第一次来月经时,你就被传授了以下经验——不能吃生冷食物、不能剧烈运动。 更详细进入...
    If he takes to himself another woman, he may not reduce her food, her clothing, or her conjugal rights.

    中文: 出21:10若另娶一个、那女子的吃食、衣服、并好合的事、仍不可减少。 更详细进入...
    But the fishes were braver than birds They went up to the little princesses to eat food from their hands.

    中文: 不过鱼儿比鸟儿勇敢,它们游到小公主跟前,吃她们手里的食物。 更详细进入...
    Li river's beer fish: YangShuo together bright food cultural scenery, don't eat not to know, on eating to startle, the name likes a thunderclap piercing the ear, if don't take a shot to really make effort in vain this to swim.

    中文: 漓江啤酒鱼:阳朔一道亮丽的饮食文化风景,不吃不知道,一吃吓一跳,大名如雷贯耳,如果不试一下就真的枉费到此一游。 更详细进入...
    Their food was venison, wilder turkey, and fish.

    中文: 鹿肉、野火鸡和鱼都是他们的食物。 更详细进入...
    But there are also a significant number of dedicated vegetarian eateries, where herbivores can eat without fear of beef stock or anchovies and meat-eaters can give their digestive systems a rest.

    中文: 但也有相当一部分专门的素食餐馆,素食者可不必担忧会吃到牛肉粒或凤尾鱼,食荤者可让消化系统休息一下。 更详细进入...
    Try to stay away from fatty or greasy foods and go for foods with lighter flavors.

    中文: 尽量避开脂肪和油脂含量高的食物,而要吃味道较淡的食物。 更详细进入...
    One group said “ We know that there is only one God an idol is just a piece of wood or stone so eating meat that has been offered to it is just like eating any other meat, so we can eat the meat.

    中文: 有一些人认为:“我们知道偶像在世上算不得什么,只不过是一块木头或是一块石头,所以吃祭过偶像的食物就像吃其他肉一样的,没有什么不能吃的。 更详细进入...
    Thick grey smoke, ash and lava continue to spew from the volcano which has been rumbling for weeks, 14,000 people live within five miles of the volcano.

    中文: 轰鸣数周的默拉皮火山喷发出滚滚浓烟,火山灰以及岩浆,火山方圆5英里内居住着1.4万人。 更详细进入...
    Man did eat angels' food: he sent them meat to the full.

    中文: 诗78:25各人〔或作人〕吃大能者的食物.他赐下粮食、使他们饱足。 更详细进入...
    Around the world,peole have different idea about what good what good table manners are.In India,for example,people only eat with their right hands.You take food from one dish and then put it in your mouth.Your left hand stays still.Eating with your left h

    中文: 环绕世界,人们对吃饭的规据有不同的见解.在印度,举个例子,人们只用右手吃饭.你从一个盆里取食物,然后放进嘴里.你的左手不动.用左手吃饭很不礼貌. 更详细进入...
    Light on river is breaking fireworks.It is unseen by others.

    中文: 河面摇溢的灯影如烟火绽放。如此而已,无人看见。 更详细进入...
    【Suitable For】Common population, especially for those with symptoms of bad appetite, pale face, listlessness and excretory difficulty.

    中文: 一般人都可以吃,特别适用于食欲不强,面色苍白,精神萎靡、排泻不畅的人群。 更详细进入...
    As the train won't leave until one o'clock, we might as well grab a bite at the snack bar.

    中文: 火车一点才开,咱们干脆去卖小吃的地方随便吃点儿什么东西吧。 更详细进入...
    6 Rice, noodles, vegetables, fish and chicken form my daily diet.

    中文: 饭、面、蔬菜、鱼和鸡是我每天常吃的食物。 更详细进入...
    A:i think the advertisement encourage children to eat junk food.

    中文: 我认为广告在鼓励孩子们吃垃圾食品。 更详细进入...

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