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But the fishes were braver than birds They went up to the little princesses to eat food from their hands.

But the firing attorneys say they were told to leave for purely political reasons, in some cases because they did not follow requests from Republican officeholders to launch aggressive investigations against Democratic Party opponents. 然而这些检察官却说,他们是因为单纯的政治原因被解雇的,一些内幕就是,他们没有按照共和党官员要求的那样向对手民主党发起挑衅式的调查。
But the first syllable was always the hardest. 但是第一个音节总是最难的。
But the first-half contained five minutes of stoppage time. That is 17 in all. This was no normal match. 但是上半场包括五分钟的补时时间,总共达到了17分钟。这不是一场普通的比赛。
But the firstling of a cow, or the firstling of a sheep, or the firstling of a goat, thou shalt not redeem; they are holy: thou shalt sprinkle their blood upon the altar, and shalt burn their fat for an offering made by fire, for a sweet savour unto the L 17只是头生的牛,或是头生的绵羊和山羊,必不可赎,都是圣的,要把它的血洒在坛上,把它的脂油焚烧,当作馨香的火祭献给耶和华。
But the fishery was confronted with a financial crisis. 但渔场面临着财政的危机。
But the fishes were braver than birds They went up to the little princesses to eat food from their hands. 不过鱼儿比鸟儿勇敢,它们游到小公主跟前,吃她们手里的食物。
But the flight is just as much an event in Airbus's fierce battle for supremacy with Boeing, its US rival. 但在空客与其美国竞争对手波音公司争夺飞机市场霸主地位的激烈战斗中,这次试飞同样是件大事。
But the flood that my friend was afraid of was a flood not of water, but of people. 但是我的朋友害怕的洪水不是水的洪水,而是人为的洪水。
But the fluctuating period in real estate industry is affected by the outer macro-economy policy and the inner industrial economy, which endows the fluctuation with history and economy meanings. 但房地产周期波动受着一定的外部宏观政策和内部行业经济的影响,给其波动赋予了一定历史意义和经济意义。
But the forbearance shown by a valiant and brave person is true forgiveness. 但是及其勇敢者所表现出的忍耐是真正的宽恕。
But the forces now at work in the world economy - the huge US twin deficits and Asian mercantilism - make their wishes irrelevant. 但是在当今世界经济中起作用的是美国的双重赤字和亚洲的重商主义,这使欧洲人的愿望无法实现。

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