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One group said “ We know that there is only one God an idol is just a piece of wood or stone so eating meat that has been offered to it is just like eating any other meat, so we can eat the meat.

One group is interested in mapping the distribution of hydrogen in the universe, another in the location of pulsars, and yet another is studying the structure of our galaxy, the Milky Way. 某个小组对绘制宇宙中氢的分布图感兴趣,另一个则对定位脉冲星感兴趣,还有的在研究银河系的结构。
One group is looking at Open Space every 2 months. 我们的团体几乎每两个月就期待一次开放空间会议。
One group left the camp to forage for firewood. 一些人离开营地去寻找木柴。
One group of embryonic cells may commit itself to constructing the nervous system, while another acts to create muscles. 一组胚胎细胞发育神经系统,而另一组则发育肌肉。
One group of researchers was from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts8 . 研究小组来自马萨诸塞州波士顿贝斯雅各医疗中心。
One group said “ We know that there is only one God an idol is just a piece of wood or stone so eating meat that has been offered to it is just like eating any other meat, so we can eat the meat. 有一些人认为:“我们知道偶像在世上算不得什么,只不过是一块木头或是一块石头,所以吃祭过偶像的食物就像吃其他肉一样的,没有什么不能吃的。
One group underwent haemorrhoidectomy under general anaesthesia, while the second group had topical anaesthetic cream (containing lignocaine and prilocaine) applied followed by local anaesthetic infiltration for surgical anaesthesia. 一组在全麻醉下进行痔切除术,而第二组在局部侵润麻醉后再涂以麻醉的霜剂(包括利多卡因和丙胺卡因)下进行。
One group used metronidazole towound. the other used sodium chloride injection two times per day. 结果:观察组甲级愈合率为99.12%,对照组95.65%,观察组高于对照组。
One group was exposed throughout their night-time sleeping hours to the same three vowels, while the others listened to the other, easier-to-distinguish vowel sounds. 一个组的婴儿夜间睡觉的时候还放着同三个元音的录音,而其他的婴儿只听其他的较容易区分的元音。
One group was fed a regular diet and received standard care; a second group received standard care but was fed an antioxidant fortified diet, consisting of standard dog food supplemented with tomatoes, carrot granules, citrus pulp, spinach flakes, the eq 第一组饲以一般的狗食、接受标准的照顾;第二组接受标准的照顾,但饲以含高抗氧化剂的营养狗食,在标准的狗食中添加了蕃茄、胡萝卜颗粒、柑橘果肉、菠菜碎片、相当于800国际单位的维他命E、每公斤20毫克的维他命C;第三组饲以一般狗食,不过给予其富足的生活环境(有规律的运动、与其它犬类的交际活动以及新奇的玩具);第四组则饲以高抗氧化剂的狗食及与富足的生活环境相结合。
One group, led by Dieter Heymann of Rice University, had proposed that the exotic carbon was part of the soot that accumulated in the wake of the massive, impact-ignited fires. 由美国莱斯大学海曼领导的团队发表过报告,指出巨大撞击引发大火后,遗留的煤灰中有外来的碳。

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