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    The Cluster service fails to start and generates an Event ID 1034 in the Event log after you replace a failed hard disk, or change drives for the quorum resource.

    中文: 原因:??如果已取代硬碟,或重新列举汇流排,则丛集服务可能找不到预期的磁碟签章,而且以后可能会无法装载该磁碟。 更详细进入...
    How time flies! One month has passed. My sale was good in this period. I sold five diamond finger-rings, four pairs of earrings and several necklaces.

    中文: 时间过的好快一个月过去了,在这期间我也卖的不错,卖出去了五枚钻戒四对耳环还有项链! 更详细进入...
    However, a cousin of Taylor, Gary Mace of Key Largo, was not upset the high court took the case.

    中文: 然而,泰勒的一位住在凯拉郭、名叫加里·枚斯的堂兄,他对最高法院接受此案感到非常的不安。 更详细进入...
    Various parties all agree not to take moves that may complicate and aggravate the situation and we hope that they can adhere to such consensus.

    中文: 各方同意不采取有可能使事态复杂化、扩大化的举动,我们希望各方都能够坚持这样的共识。 更详细进入...
    Yet any nose-thumbing by Mr Kim—he calls the sanctions a “declaration of war”—is likely to test collective resolve.

    中文: 然而,金正日称这些制裁为“宣战书”,他的任何不屑之举将可能考验各成员国团结一致的决心。 更详细进入...
    Contributions to the Annual Programs Fund totaling $7,000 will entitle the donor to receive, upon request, a Paul Harris Fellow pin with one ruby.

    中文: 捐献年度计划基金达7,000美元之捐献者,若提出要求,将可获得镶有红宝石1颗之保罗?哈理斯之友领章1枚。 更详细进入...
    The award exhibition is not only held in the Helsinki region, but also in other parts of Finland and abroad to achieve the best possible coverage.

    中文: 获奖作品展不仅在赫尔辛基举办,也会在芬兰各地和国外举办以获得最大的影响力。 更详细进入...
    Any system of government by free election naturally lends itself to misuse.

    中文: 任何自由选举政府的制度都自然而然地可能遭到滥用。 更详细进入...
    Eve could have ordered it shut down for the night, but it seemed an unnecessary hassle.

    中文: 埃娃可能已下令其夜间关闭的,但它似乎只是徒劳之举。 更详细进入...
    For example, you can travel to Australia and play games with the local children or visit senior citizen s.

    中文: 举例来说,你可以到澳洲和当地孩童玩游戏或探视老人。 更详细进入...
    You can't trust her; for instance, she lied to you last time.

    中文: 你不能相信她,举例来说,她上回还对你撒谎。 更详细进入...
    Drive backward and collect 15 coins! If you hit a snowman, you fail!

    中文: 倒车行驶中收集十五枚金币,如果撞到雪人,则任务失败! 更详细进入...
    In commemoration of this event, the Republic of Austria is issuing this new coin.

    中文: 为了纪念这一历史事件,,奥地利共和国发行了这枚新币。 更详细进入...
    In the morning the brigade lost its communication center destroyed by a tactical Iraqi missile.

    中文: 在7日晨,该旅的通讯中心被一枚伊军的战术导弹击毁。 更详细进入...
    To our surprise, the lost gold coin appeared to be on the floor of the drawing room.

    中文: 让我们惊奇的是,那枚丢失的金币出现在客厅的地板上。 更详细进入...
    YOSTHANA teams up with the seductive DUANGDAO,together they must hunt downcapture the brutaldeadly ‘FIVE BULLETS BANDIT‘.

    中文: 他与诱人的邓娜合作来搜捕残酷和致命的‘五枚子弹帮‘。 更详细进入...
    Yes, I know they won 15 gold medals and were ranked fourth in the gold medal tally.

    中文: 是的,我知道,他们赢得了15枚金牌,名列金奖牌榜第四名。 更详细进入...
    Results: In the group of treated ( polypus` diameters more than cm in cases), the rate of cure is 97. % and the rate of bleeding is .7%.

    中文: 果 :治疗组 : 例共 枚直径 >cm的息肉 ,治愈率 97. % ,出血发生率 .7% ; 更详细进入...
    As the election comes to an end, if Donald Tsang can make full use of the relationship he has established with the people during the election in shaping his new policies, he may be able to enjoy another honeymoon period.

    中文: 选举落幕,如果曾荫权能够善用选举期间与巿民建立的关系,调整政策,则可望享受另一次民意蜜月期。 更详细进入...
    The result of the mayoral election has ominous implications for the ruling party.

    中文: 这次市长选举的结果对执政党是不祥之兆。 更详细进入...

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