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Various parties all agree not to take moves that may complicate and aggravate the situation and we hope that they can adhere to such consensus.

Various natural disasters occurred frequently in Jianghan Basin during the Song and Yuan period, among which both the droughts and flood disasters had the highest frequency and the biggest influence. 摘要宋元时期江汉平原各种自然灾害频发,其中水旱灾害的发生频率最高、产生影响最大。
Various new machines were also invented. 还发明了各种各样的新机器。
Various nutrients contained in the high protein nutrient solution were well balanced, with reasonable proportion of medium chained fatty acids and long chained fatty acids, and it could be taken orally or administered by tube feeding, meeting the various 高蛋白全营养液所含各种营养成分比例适当,中链脂肪酸和长链脂肪酸比例合理,可口服或管饲,能满足病人各种营养需要。
Various objects were on the table. 桌子上摆着各种各样的物体。
Various oil field petroleum drilling machines, Escalator, Automobile building, Metallurgy, Mines, Chemical industry, Foodstuff and drink machine, Beer brewage, Flour production, Tobacco machinery, Textile ,Papermaking, Glass production, Packing,machinery, 全国各大油田的石油钻采机械、自动扶梯、汽车制造、冶金、矿山、化工、食品及饮料机械、啤酒酿制、面粉生产、烟草机械、纺织、造纸、玻璃生产、包装机械、木材加工、水泥制造、隧道机械、金属加工机械、采矿机械、制糖机械、建筑机械、室内立体停车库、船舶、印刷、港口机械、非道路运输车辆和交通运输等其它行业。
Various parties all agree not to take moves that may complicate and aggravate the situation and we hope that they can adhere to such consensus. 各方同意不采取有可能使事态复杂化、扩大化的举动,我们希望各方都能够坚持这样的共识。
Various parts of his anatomy were clearly visible . 他身体的各个部分都看得很清楚.
Various parts of his anatomy were clearly visible. 他身体的各个部分都看得很清楚.
Various people including Charles Hapgood and Erich von Daniken considered this as a sign of the discovery of the continent of Antarctica many centuries before the traditionally accepted date, and even as a proof for the presence of extraterrestrial civili 不同的人,包括查理斯和冯丹尼肯(“众神之车”的作者)认为这是比传统上承认的日子早许多世纪就发现南极大陆的标志,正巧是证明存在着地外文明,是他们绘制了最初的地图。
Various pigmentation technologies of vat blue RS such as leuco-oxidation, acidic treatment, solvent treatment, grinding condition, derivative modification, surfactant modification, polymeric dispersant and crystal transformation technique, are reviewed in 摘要对还原蓝RS的各种颜料化工艺,如隐色体氧化法、酸处理法、溶剂处理法、研磨法、衍生物处理法、表面活性剂法、高分子分散剂法以及晶型转换工艺,进行了综述,并提出今后颜料化的发展方向。
Various plot strands interweave, including the bitter relationship between a famous self-obsessed British comic and his ever-suffering assistant, an actress debuting at the festival with a one-woman show about Dorothy Wordsworth and a depressed, rich hous 期间各种阴谋交织一团,包括一位自我陶醉的着名英国滑稽演员和他一直苦恼的助手之间苦涩的关系,一名初次登台独自表演“陶勒席·华兹华斯”的女演员和一名沮丧,富有的家庭主妇,她监视着把房子租给的加拿大剧团酩酊大醉的人们。

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