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    Laura: Um, I turned eight last week.

    中文: 劳拉:恩,下个星期满八岁。 更详细进入...
    Thanksgiving is a movable holiday.

    中文: 感恩节的日期每年不同。 更详细进入...
    Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims,

    中文: 感恩节是关于清教徒的, 更详细进入...
    This orphanage has many benefactors.

    中文: 这所孤儿院有许多恩人。 更详细进入...
    This essay would take a brief view about the core-meaning of the transcendental idealism and analyze how the distinction between appearances and things in themselves dissolves the antinomy between nature and freedom in this context.

    中文: 本文在简介先验观念论之精义脉络下解析现象与物自身之区分如何解消自然与自由之背反。 更详细进入...
    Major Cities:Zurich, Basel, Geneva, Bern, Lausanne, Winterthur, Lucerne, Bienne, Thun.

    中文: 主要城市:苏黎世,巴塞尔,日内瓦,伯尔尼,洛桑,温特图尔,卢塞恩,比安,图恩。 更详细进入...
    The game is introduced: The false supermans in the legend have set out, eh kindness, in the legend, let's go to even evilness out.

    中文: 游戏介绍:传说中的假面超人出动了,恩恩,是传说中的,去铲平邪恶吧。 更详细进入...
    Buyer shall have the right after giving notice to seller to assign its rights and obligations as defined herein, provided Buyer shall remain liable hereunder.

    中文: 在买方对下文所述情况负责时,在通知卖方后,买方有权转让本处所阐明之其权利和义务。 更详细进入...
    In today's society, every one of us is undertaking intense work,competitive study and burdened with the huge social pressure;and shouldering the onus of the family and the responsibility for it.

    中文: 都大同小异吧,人主动工作、学习,被迫承受社会压力,而家庭负担仅是义务和职责,是要“担”的。 更详细进入...
    The adoption of these resources and activities alone may not achieve real gains in learning outcome and changes in learning practices, and may even become burdensome and meaningless.

    中文: 然而单单采用这些内容及形式不一定能真正提升学习成果,甚至可能变成没意义的负担。 更详细进入...
    Some had become spiritually proud, leading to problems such as sexual misconduct, wrongdoing against other believers, abuse of spiritual gifts and misunderstanding of basic Christian teachings.

    中文: 某些教会在属灵方面变得骄傲自大,导致了诸如淫乱败坏,迫害信徒,滥用属灵恩赐以及曲解基本教义等问题。 更详细进入...
    [KJV] And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.

    中文: 这赏赐和那一人犯罪的后果也是不同的;因为审判是由一人而来,以致定罪,恩赏却由许多过犯而来,以致称义。 更详细进入...
    John Maynard Keynes is the pioneer in Western macroeconomics, recognized one of the most creative and most influential well-known economists in the 20th century, academic lord whom triggered a revolution in the economic sphere, and the founder of Keynesia

    中文: 摘要约翰?梅纳德?凯恩斯是西方近代宏观经济学的开创者,是公认的20世纪最具创造性和最有影响力的著名经济学家、在经济学领域引发革命的学术泰斗、凯恩斯主义的创始人。 更详细进入...
    B:The large number is on the back of the competition vest and the small on the left side of the pants.

    中文: 大的贴在运动背心的背部,小的在短裤的左侧。 更详细进入...
    Some SIVs had back-up banking facilities; some did not.

    中文: 一些SIV有银行机构的背景,一些没有这些背景。 更详细进入...
    Thus , men's lack of emotional availability and women's less exclusive heterosexual commitment help ensure women's mothering.

    中文: 因此,男人对情感必需性的缺乏,女人对异性恋负有较少专门的义务,从而有助于确保母职。 更详细进入...
    Thus , men's lack of emotional availability and women's less exclusive hetero***ual commitment help ensure women's mothering.

    中文: 因此,男人对情感必需性的缺乏,女人对异性恋负有较少专门的义务,从而有助于确保母职。 更详细进入...
    I honor the courageous, those who are willing to redefine the very essence of existence and to carry that renegade spark into a new version of the game.

    中文: 我敬重勇敢的人,他们愿意重新定义存在的本质并且传达背叛的火花进入一个新游戏版本内。 更详细进入...
    Article 34 When the endorser writes the term “non-transferable” on the bill and his subsequent party re endorses and transfers it, the original endorser shall not bear any responsibility for any guarantees made to the subsequent party's endorsee.

    中文: 第三十四条背书人在汇票上记载“不得转让”字样,其后手再背书转让的,原背书人对后手的被背书人不承担保证责任。 更详细进入...
    When hidden guaranty endorsement composes turning round endorsement in form, the endorsee can ask the successor as endorser to undertake the bill duty for the cause of existing guaranty relation.

    中文: 隐存保证背书在形式上构成回头背书时,被背书人得以存在保证关系为由,要求其作为背书人时的后手承担票据责任。 更详细进入...

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