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B:The large number is on the back of the competition vest and the small on the left side of the pants.

B:That's an hour past curfew. 那已经超过睡觉时间1个钟头了。
B:The Bank of China is just acro the street, on the right. 中国银行就在马路对面,右手边。
B:The Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee or TPE in abbreviation. 用中国台北奥林匹克委员会,缩写为:TPE。
B:The first thing is to greet② the teacher. 第一件事情就是问候老师。
B:The guy who made the talisman? 那个造出护符的家伙?
B:The large number is on the back of the competition vest and the small on the left side of the pants. 大的贴在运动背心的背部,小的在短裤的左侧。
B:The personnel system, including the appointment and removal of the leaders, the personnel quota, promotion, the work evaluation of staff as well as information on sport for all and physical education. 人事制度,包括领导人任免、编制、提级和使用考察,群众体育及体育教育。
B:The sign on the 8th floor will guide you. 到了8层,你可以看到指示路标。
B:The starting of a business. Here is the in dustrial and commercial business license , identification card, contract, agreetment and other relevant documents of the enterprise. 开业登记。这是工商营业执照、身份证、有关合同、协议书等相关资料。
B:Then say that you love me! 男:好吧,那你说你爱我!
B:Then why do you go back? 那为什么还要回去?

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