This is the policy upon which we will act, come what will.
中文: 这就是我们奉行的政策,成败利害,在所不计。 更详细进入...
And they did not say, Where is Jehovah, Who brought us up from the land of Egypt, Who brought us through the wilderness, Through a land of deserts and pits, Through a land of drought and the shadow of death, Through a land that no one passes through And w
中文: 6他们也不说,那领我们从埃及地上来,引导我们经过旷野,经过沙漠有深坑之地,经过干旱死荫之地,经过无人通行、无人居住之地的耶和华在那里呢? 更详细进入...
Be not righteous over much; neither make thyself over wise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself ?
中文: 16不要行义过分。也不要过于自逞智慧。何必自取败亡呢。 更详细进入...
All corruptionists must be thoroughly investigated and punished without leniency.
中文: 对任何腐败分子都必须彻底查处、严惩不贷。 更详细进入...
His aim was to liberate China from the hands of the Manchu Dynasty.
中文: 他曾遭遇屡次的失败,但他却一点也不灰心。 更详细进入...
Our failure is mainly caused by inadequate planning.
中文: 我们的失败主要是由于计划不充分造成的。 更详细进入...
The man who always ascribes the blame to others when failing will not be admired by women.
中文: 一失败就赖别人的男人,女人是不会看上的。 更详细进入...
When a Loser makes a mistake, he says, It wasn't my fault.
中文: 而失败者在犯错误后,总是说,那不是我的错。 更详细进入...
Unrequited love cannot last. Stolen wealth will disappear. A boaster's fame will fade away. Unearned rank will be censured.
中文: 感情若是一厢情愿,则难天长地久;财富若是巧取豪夺,必有败坏之虞;名声若是哗众取宠,终将遭人唾弃;地位若是坐享其成,便会引起非议。 更详细进入...
According to Coleman, United steamrolleredthe Cottagers in Sunday's 5-1 win, instigated by a whirlwind start to the match that saw Sir Alex Ferguson's side go 4-0 up in the opening 19 minutes.
中文: 据科尔曼说,曼联“势不可挡”地以5:1击败富勒姆,而且在19分钟时已经取得了4:0的领先。 更详细进入...
An east China city‘s hopes for clear water and blue skies have been shattered by companies that continually flout environmental regulations.
中文: 企业不断地违反环保规定挫败了中国东部淄博市为建设成为“国家环保模范城市”的努力。 更详细进入...
His business acumen helped him to succeed where others had failed.
中文: 他在商业上的敏锐帮他在其他人失败的地方获得成功。 更详细进入...
China, as one of the signatory slates to the convention, has the responsibility to ensure the implementation of its obligation under the convention, which requires to prevent corruption more efficiently and effectively.
中文: 我国作为联合国反腐败公约的缔约国,按照公约的规定治理商业贿路,不仅是我国履行公约义务的责任,也是高效而有力地预防和打击腐败的必然要求。 更详细进入...
G:You must defeat one of the guild's lower level members in personal combat to be true barbarian.
中文: 你必须独自击败公会的低等级成员之一才能成为真正的野蛮人。 更详细进入...
After a promising start, the project soon fizzled out.
中文: 这项计画开始时很有希望, 但不久就失败了. 更详细进入...
But screw your courage to the sticking place, and we'll not fail.
中文: 只要你集中你的全部勇气,我们决不会失败。 更详细进入...
Don't worry about your first-time failure ; all is well that ends well.
中文: 不要顾虑第一次的失败,假如结果好,就是好。 更详细进入...
I'm afraid we cannot be responsible for any damage (breakage,spillage,spoilage).
中文: 任何损坏(破损、渗漏、腐败)我们恐怕都不负责。 更详细进入...
Punctuality may not assure success but tardiness guarantees failure.
中文: 准时的人未必成功,但不准时的人一定失败。 更详细进入...
Remr that winners do what losers dont want to do.
中文: 切记胜利者通常会做失败者不想做的事情。 更详细进入...