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Don't worry about your first-time failure ; all is well that ends well.

Don't worry about the matter, take it easy. 别担心那件事,轻松一点。
Don't worry about the printing; that's my parish. 别担心打印的事,那是我的工作范围。
Don't worry about this being an unlucky day. 桔解:不要担心不幸运的今天。
Don't worry about who will do it-that's just a side issue. 不要担心谁来做这事――这只是一个次要问题。
Don't worry about your driving test. At worst you'll fail, and then you can always take it again. 别担心你的驾驶考试,最坏的可能就是没通过,然而你总可以随时再考。
Don't worry about your first-time failure ; all is well that ends well. 不要顾虑第一次的失败,假如结果好,就是好。
Don't worry about your grammar. 不要担心你的语法。
Don't worry about your oral English. Practice makes perfect. 不用担心自己的英语口语,熟能生巧嘛。
Don't worry about your son excessively,he is enough old to care himself. 不要为你的儿子过分担心,他大了,可以照顾自己了.
Don't worry about your work. 不要担心你的工作。
Don't worry buddy. Although that was the tenth girl who has rejected you tonight but every dog has his day , keep on going! 老弟别担心,虽然那位小姐是今晚第十位拒绝你的女生,但是你总会有翻身的时候,继续追吧!

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