Predicting the nation which would be the ruling world power 100 years from now.
中文: 预言100年后哪个国家将主宰世界。 更详细进入...
The English football team were world champions in 1966.
中文: 英格兰足球队是1966年的世界冠军. 更详细进入...
The Second World War broke out in September in 1939.
中文: 第二次世界大战于1939年9月爆发。 更详细进入...
The team won the World Series last year.
中文: 这支球队去年赢得了世界系列赛。 更详细进入...
Today ,hundreds of film festivals are held annually throughout the world.
中文: 如今,每年全世界有上百个电影节。 更详细进入...
Westerly winds have strengthened since the 1960s.
中文: 20世纪60年代以来,西风变得更强。 更详细进入...
The world's poor will hope the position was given in reward for past loyalties, not in expectation of future favours.
中文: 世上的贫穷国家希望布什的此次任命是出于对佐立克过去忠诚的奖赏,而非寻求未来的便利。 更详细进入...
Child labour is just one symptom of the crushing poverty in the world, which deprives children of their basic right to education and freedom.
中文: 童工正是这个世界触目惊心的贫穷的一大症状,他剥夺了儿童接受教育和享受自由的基本权利。 更详细进入...
When this was said, one of the monks said to the Blessed One, Lord, what was the cause, what was the reason, why Suppabuddha the leper was such a poor, miserable wretch of a person?
中文: 言毕,一比丘对薄伽梵说:“世尊,是什么原因、是什么理由,麻疯病者苏巴菩达何以如此贫穷、悲惨、潦倒?” 更详细进入...
Advances on screening of Cd-hyperaccumulators and transgenic improvement of plant in Cd-accumulation
中文: 镉超积累植物及植物镉积累特性转基因改良研究进展 更详细进入...
Rumor has it that more than 20 books on creationism/evolution are in the publisher's pipelines.
中文: 据说有20多年本谈论创世纪论与进化论之争的书即将面世。 更详细进入...
The total import and export volume tripled over the last five years, and the amount of foreign direct investment actually used came to 274.08 billion dollars.
中文: 五年间,进出口贸易总额增长两倍,实际利用外商直接投资累计2740.8亿美元。 更详细进入...
The whole wealth so swiftly gathered in the paper value s of pervious years vanished.
中文: 在以前的年月中很快积累得来的表现为票面价值的全部财富化为乌有。 更详细进入...
We injected 5 wells in Jilin oilfield in 1997 and increased 509 tons of oil.
中文: 1997年在吉林油田新立、新木采油厂进行5口井微生物吞吐,累计增油509吨。 更详细进入...
Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear and despair—these are the long, long years that bow the head and turn the growing spirit back to dust.
中文: 忧虑、疑惑、畏缩、恐惧和失望常年累月剥蚀人的心灵,使人的热情化为乌有。 更详细进入...
Russian novelist and philosopher Leo Tolstoy died on November 10 at the age of 82.
中文: 1910年俄国小说家、哲学家列夫·托尔斯泰逝世,享年82岁。 更详细进入...
Appear idyllic.Vulture full melons and fruits , Tabasco etc. , the pellet are full in work, aesthetic feeling of having countless rich fruits.
中文: 作品中雕满了瓜果、辣椒等,颗粒饱满,有硕果累累之美感。 更详细进入...
Entries for the stone fruits, grapes, particle satiated, Beauty fruits.
中文: 作品中雕满了瓜果、葡萄等,颗粒饱满,有硕果累累之美感。 更详细进入...
Benjamin Franklin died in 1790. He was 84 years old and he worked for his people for more than 50 years.
中文: 本杰明·富兰克林1970年逝世,享年84岁。但他却为人民工作了50多年。 更详细进入...
A: Could you tell me something about the 2006 World Leisure Expo?
中文: 能介绍2006年的世界休闲博览会吗? 更详细进入...