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Rumor has it that more than 20 books on creationism/evolution are in the publisher's pipelines.

Rumor circulated state import restriction shortly however ourselves unbelieving. 据传进口限制是暂时性的,但我们不这样认为。
Rumor had it that Leno faced a quick hook unless his ratings improved. They did— up12 percent in the past three months. 谣传莱诺将被炒鱿鱼,除非他的收视率改善。结果他的收视率最近三个月上升百分之十二。
Rumor has it that Lucy is at a loss, losing her loose, a luminous ruby. 谣传露西因为丢了松松的,色泽光线的红宝石而不知所措。
Rumor has it that film editors never sleep. Is it true? Do you sleep? 谣传说在制作这部影片的时候制片几乎没有睡过觉,是真的吗?你有睡过吗?
Rumor has it that he had liposuction. 传闻说他抽脂了。
Rumor has it that more than 20 books on creationism/evolution are in the publisher's pipelines. 据说有20多年本谈论创世纪论与进化论之争的书即将面世。
Rumor has it that the factory burned down. 谣传那家工厂被大火烧毁了。
Rumor has it you're developing a new system. (你们在开发一套新系统,是真的吗?)
Rumor says I wonōt get any insurance. 根据传闻,我无法领到保险金了。
Rumor says our flat kinda resembles theirs. 他们都说我们的楼和他们的有些相似。
Rumors abound that he can bring once-dead allies back to life, so they can march again to defend the honor of the Frozen Throne. 谣传他能让已死的盟友复生,使他们得以为保卫寒冰王座的荣耀再次参战。

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