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    I know, this means my forehead exposed to bows and arrows, my heart will be hurt by bad-mouth.

    中文: 我知道这是把自己的额头裸露在弓箭之下了,心灵极容易被别人的批判洞伤。 更详细进入...
    Withering Touch Requires 1 point in Shadow Form Requires 35 points in Shadow Talents All melee and ranged attacks against you while you are in Shadowform cause the attacker to suffer shadow damage equal to 4/7/10% of the damage taken.

    中文: 凋零之触(3点)需要:1点暗影形态前置需要:35点暗影系天赋所有针对暗影形态下你的近战及远程攻击都将使得攻击者受到相当于其所造成伤害4%/7%/10%的暗影伤害。 更详细进入...
    How do the devs feel the new Destruction tree and the addition of Incinerate will affect Shadowbolt?

    中文: 问:开发组怎么设计毁灭天赋树的,烧尽对暗影箭的地位有很大的冲击? 更详细进入...
    Longshot: Mastering long range archery makes an army archer even more deadly.

    中文: 远射:掌握远程箭术使得一位军人箭手更为致命。 更详细进入...
    They discharged their arrows at the enemy.

    中文: 他们把箭射向敌人。 更详细进入...
    I threw a row of arrows, which narrowly passed the narrow-minded man's eyebrows.

    中文: 我掷了一排箭,箭紧擦心胸狭窄的人的眉毛而过。 更详细进入...
    Effects of Fargesia nitida on the population dynamics of Abies faxoniana at initial stage in dark coniferous forest

    中文: 暗针叶林下华西箭竹(Fargesia nitida)对岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)幼龄植株种群动态的影响 更详细进入...
    Should I lie against my right? My arrow wound is incurable, though I am without transgression.

    中文: 6我岂能说谎违背我的理?我虽无过,受的箭伤却无法医治。 更详细进入...
    There are much happiness and sadness involved in the big and saline sea.

    中文: 表面宁静的大海里暗蕴着太多的快乐,和忧伤。 更详细进入...
    There were undertones of relief as the visitors left.

    中文: 客人走後大家都暗暗松了口气. 更详细进入...
    Clemens is believed to have tweaked a groin muscle during the first inning of his start last week for Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, and the club has speculated Clemens reaggravated it during a bullpen session at Yankee Stadium last Wednesday.

    中文: 外界普遍相信上次3A先发时,火箭人在第一局就已经扭伤鼠蹊部,洋基球团猜测在上周三牛棚训练时让他的伤势加剧。 更详细进入...
    When something is taken as a pretext, you can call it a shield; similarly, when somebody was used as a protector, you can also call the person a shield.

    中文: 挡箭牌就是盾牌。当一种东西被用来作为借口,它就是挡箭牌;当一个人被用来遮护别人,这个人也就成了挡箭牌。 更详细进入...
    A sad and somber funeral with the body still breathing.

    中文: 一场悲伤的,阴暗的葬礼,虽然这个身体还有呼吸。” 更详细进入...
    The Ranger's accuracy has increased to the point where she can slay lesser enemies in one shot.

    中文: 黑暗游侠有一定的几率一箭命中要害,直接杀死目标(不包括英雄和远古单位)。 更详细进入...
    Chance On Hit: Instantly lightning shocks the target for 239 to 277 damage.

    中文: 击中时可能:立即对目标射出闪电箭,对其造成239到277点伤害。 更详细进入...
    Assassin (Damage deals to player by this creature is reduced by half, rounded up.

    中文: 暗杀者(此生物对玩家造成的伤害减半,小数位取上。 更详细进入...
    An honest man doesn't do anything underhand.

    中文: 明人不做暗事。 更详细进入...
    Arrows and Arrowheads - Martial readiness.

    中文: 箭和箭头-战备已就绪。 更详细进入...
    Level 1 - The Ranger's accuracy has increased to the point where she can slay lesser enemies in one shot 10% of the time.

    中文: 一级-黑暗游侠有10%的几率一箭命中要害,直接杀死目标(不包括英雄和远古单位)。 更详细进入...
    This is something that is the reality of Roger,Cashman said. Throughout his career, he's had a lot of injuries there in the groin.

    中文: 我们不能否认这个事实,在火箭人的生涯中有多次鼠蹊部受伤,不过他也都能克服这些问题。 更详细进入...

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