The postoperative course was smooth and her condition improved gradually at 10-month follwo-up.
中文: 本病例追踪迄今,尚无此现象,特提出此报告。 更详细进入...
Almost five months after choosing their new leader, that confidence has evaporated, and many Liberals are questioning whether they picked the right man.
中文: 在选定新党魁的将近五个月后,之前的自信也已无影无踪,同时有许多自由党人开始质疑是否选择了正确的人选。 更详细进入...
Because a vision softly creeping.
中文: 因为有个幻影无声无息地爬过。 更详细进入...
We gave her local radiotherapy, and no tumor recurerence has been noted till now.
中文: 并经1年多的追踪,当前仍无任何复发之迹象。 更详细进入...
His mind had been exploring the abysmal possibility of Veronica's beauty and high spirits being removed from the world by a chemical mischance.
中文: 他心里一直在探寻着维罗尼卡那神秘莫测的美丽,本来兴高采烈的心情,也被这不幸的化学过敏事件驱散得无影无踪。 更详细进入...
Adopted power save, shadow-less, flash-less ring-formed bright fluorescent tube has no bad effect to vision.
中文: 采用节能,无影,无闪烁环型光亮灯管,不会影响视力。 更详细进入...
No Effect: No detectable change in the material surface.
中文: 无影响:在材料表面无可察觉的改变。 更详细进入...
However, serial sections of fluid gas exchange and laser photocoagulation were required to stabilize the recurrent detached retina.
中文: 经过七个月之追踪,网膜稳定无再次剥离之现象。 更详细进入...
A pathological examination proved the lesion to be carcinoma in situ of the conjunctiva with invasion into cornea.
中文: 在10个月追踪过程中,肿瘤自行消退,无复发现象。 更详细进入...
The missing girl's brother was at the end of his rope over the matter.
中文: 对于这事件,这位失踪的女孩的哥哥已无计可施。 更详细进入...
Different cultures, tastes, life experiences, eating and living habits, all these factors resemble strong waves, which may wash the dream away as soon as the weather becomes stormy.
中文: 不同的文化、不同的趣味、不同的饮食起居习惯等诸多因素犹如强大的波浪,一旦暴风雨来临,就可能把梦想冲得无踪无影。 更详细进入...
The recommended management of myxoma is wide excision to prevent recurrence.
中文: 病患门诊持续追踪一年半的时间,并无局部复发现像,亦无耳道狭窄的情形发生。 更详细进入...
As quick as a wink disappears right before their very eyes and ears!?
中文: 笛子会在不经不觉间消失得无影无终。 更详细进入...
Once the thief's car passed across the state border, our state police had no jurisdiction to follow him.
中文: 一旦窃贼的车越过州界,本州的警察便无权跟踪他。 更详细进入...
The 27 months of clinical course after the second surgery was uneventful.
中文: 第二次术后的二十七个月追踪期内并无复发迹象。 更详细进入...
The wireless technology, called radio frequency identification (RFID), has been used in thousands of stores for tracking inventory and in identification chips implanted in some pets.
中文: 这种无线技术称为无线电频率识别(RFID),曾在成千的存储器运用追踪以及在正电子发射体层摄影的鉴定植入芯片中鉴定识别。 更详细进入...
The solid residual after decomposition is colorless,odorless and pollutionfree and will not affect the appearance and properties of the foamed objects.
中文: 分解后固体残渣无色无味无污染,不影响产品外观及其性能。 更详细进入...
A jewel fell off her ring and she could find neither hide nor hair of it.
中文: 一颗宝石从她的戒指上脱落了,她四下找,却杳无踪迹。 更详细进入...
No adverse consequences to this patient's upper airway were noted during follow-up visits.
中文: 病人在术后的门诊追踪,并无上呼吸道之副作用生成。 更详细进入...
All hope of finding the missing aircraft was given up and the search abandoned.
中文: 要找到那架失踪的飞机已经毫无希望,于是搜索停止了。 更详细进入...