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    Acts 19:40 For indeed we are in danger of being charged with insurrection for today's affair, since there is no reason for it; and with reference to it we will not be able to give an account concerning this disorderly gathering.

    中文: 徒十九40至于今日的事,本是无缘无故的,我们实在有被控作乱的危险;论到这闹事的集合,我们也说不出所以然来。 更详细进入...
    Jones: I didn't care one way or the other.

    中文: 琼斯:我无所谓他们干不干。 更详细进入...
    Yet black holes are not all-powerful.

    中文: 然而黑洞并非无所不能的。 更详细进入...
    All that is from the gods is full of Providence.

    中文: 诸神所给予的,无不是天意。 更详细进入...
    The children have the best of care in most of the countries now.

    中文: 现在大多数国家的儿童受到无微不至的关怀。 更详细进入...
    Pointless to me anyway, cause I don?t listen.

    中文: 至少对我来说毫无意义因为我不会听你们的! 更详细进入...
    It is no use crying over the spilt milk.

    中文: 事已至此,徒悲无益。 更详细进入...
    There is noing go back now!

    中文: 事以至此,无法回头。 更详细进入...
    Having no form, space can fill any void. Having no form, water can nourish any field.

    中文: 虚空无有定相,而又无所不相,所以能成其宽广;流水居高就下,而又不拘形式,所以能遍泽大地。 更详细进入...
    Meticulous Japanese planners have tried to control everything from the weather to left-wing radicals to make sure the last rites for the87-year-old monarch come off without a hitch.

    中文: 无微不至负责筹划的日本人,已经试图掌握所有情况——从天气以至左翼极端分子——以确保87岁的天皇最后几个典礼圆满度过。 更详细进入...
    They went to absurd lengths to keep the affair secret.

    中文: 他们为了保密无所不用其极. 更详细进入...
    Fly straight up, as fast as you can. If this fails to shift your reality location, at least you will experience space flight.

    中文: 尽你所能快地直向上飞。如果这无法转换你的现实场所,至少你会经历到空中飞行。 更详细进入...
    Culture is ubiquitous and is everywhere.

    中文: 摘要文化气象万千,无所不在。 更详细进入...
    I don't have a clue. (I haven't got a clue.

    中文: 我一无所知。(我压根儿不知道。) 更详细进入...
    It is all one to me whether he comes or not.

    中文: 他来不来对我来说都无所谓。 更详细进入...
    She can't sit around and do nothing.

    中文: 她总不能闲坐着无所事事呀。 更详细进入...
    It's been done, and, for better or worse, we can't change it now.

    中文: 事已至此, 无论是好是坏, 已无法改变. 更详细进入...
    It's been done, and, for better or worse, we can't change it now.

    中文: 事已至此,无论是好是坏,已无法改变. 更详细进入...
    It is the centre subject in the economic system reform in our country, the government should does some things and leaves some things undone , someone has already proposed: The ones that should limit the government are omnipresent, the one that controlled

    中文: 这是中国目前深化经济体制改革正在研讨和努力作为的一个中心课题,政府应“有所为,有所不为”,已经有人提出:应限制政府的无所不在,控制政府的无所不能,约束政府的无所不为。 更详细进入...
    Set a high valuation on friendship.

    中文: 把友谊看得至高无上 更详细进入...

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