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It's been done, and, for better or worse, we can't change it now.

It's been bruited about that... 到处传播...
It's been called the deadliest shooting rampage in the country's history. 这被称之为美国有史以来最严重的的暴力枪击事件。
It's been cloudy all morning. 整个早上都是阴天。
It's been designed with a nautical flavour in mind to remind us of our links with the sea. 建筑物被设计成航海色彩,让我们在心理记住我们和海洋的关系。
It's been done, and, for better or worse, we can't change it now. 事已至此, 无论是好是坏, 已无法改变.
It's been done, and, for better or worse, we can't change it now. 事已至此,无论是好是坏,已无法改变.
It's been dragged into line by other fishing nations after it was found to have plundered the world's stocks of southern bluefin tuna. 在被抓获肆掠世界的南部蓝鳍金枪鱼资源后,日本在其他捕鱼业国家的压力下被迫同意遵守其违背的协定。
It's been extremely heartening to me in my gerontology career how rarely this argument has been used against me, even out of my hearing. 在我的老年学生涯中,极为激励我的是,这一点曾经及其罕见地被用来反对我,即使在背后也是这样。
It's been flowery in the southern part of the country. 上面的照片是一位南方的朋友给我传来的。
It's been getting really hot lately - I think we're in for a scorcher this summer. 最近开始真的热起来了——我看这个夏天我们是要在酷热中度过了。
It's been good so far this week. 这周的天气一直不错。

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