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Jones: I didn't care one way or the other.

Jones, apparently feeling rather opulent that day, lit up a second cigar as soon as he had finished the first. 那一天,琼斯显然认为自己相当阔掉,刚抽完第一支雪茄,马上就点燃了第二支。
Jones, who made his first team debut against Barnet in the League Cup last October, was part of the Reserves' side that claimed the Treble last season. 琼斯去年10月在对阵本内特的联赛杯中完成了自己的一队处子秀,也是上赛季获得三冠王的预备队的成员。
Jones: I would have to say that C.Brothers Shipping Company has the most impressive shipping record. They are privately owned, privately insured, and they generally reach port on time. 琼斯:不得不说金氏兄弟船务公司有最优良的船运纪录。他们是私人企业,仅人保险,且通常都会准时进港。
Jones: Well, Ms.Williams, I was under the impression your father never wanted his cargo to go by sea. You always shipped by air freight. 琼斯:威廉斯小姐,在我的印象中,令尊从来不用海运运输它的货物。你们向来都是空运。
Jonesie The Great Lion Hunter A small village was troubled by a man-eating lion. 有个小村庄正为一只吃人的狮子而烦恼。
Jones: I didn't care one way or the other. 琼斯:我无所谓他们干不干。
Jones: If a guy's playing a hand, I let him play it. I'm no kibitzer. 琼斯:如果有人想单挑,我会让他干的,我可不会乱插手。
Jong Bum Kim. Currency Conversion in Anti-dumping Agreement[J]. Journal of World Trade(Volume 34), 2000(8). 陈东.反倾销中的货币兑换问题初探[J].国际经贸探索,2002(2).
Jonh Dewey, Individualism Old and New, London: G. Allen &Unwin Ltd., 1931 p.91. 约翰·杜威:《新旧个人主义—杜威文集》,孙有中译,上海:上海社会科学出版社,1997年版,第48页。
Jonny: Because you are using his plate. 因为你正在用他的盘子。
Joplin, the late high priestess of rock, has also recently been the muse to both Hollywood stars and designers. 已故的“摇滚女主祭”——乔普林,最近也一直是好莱坞明星和设计师的缪斯女神(注:在希腊神话当中,缪斯是给人以灵感的文艺女神)。

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