Following the natural law, everything will go on smoothly. Disobeying it, even the success obtained cannot be kept for long.
中文: 得天之道,其事若自然,失天之道,虽立不安。 更详细进入...
They took a final look at Iron Mike, still intact in the darkness.
中文: 他们最后看了铁麦克一眼——它依然安然无恙地耸立在黑暗中。 更详细进入...
We all heaved a sigh of relief when we heard that they were safe.
中文: 当我们听说他们平安无事时,都松了一口气。 更详细进入...
We both lie silently still,In the dead of the night.
中文: 我们仍然安静的躺在床上,在这个无聊的晚上。 更详细进入...
To eliminate the suffering induced by an unsettled mind, just start reciting Guanyin's name to restore your inner peace.
中文: 明知心不平安是苦事,就赶快以持念「南无观世音菩萨」来安心吧! 更详细进入...
It is no fun betting on a sure thing.
中文: 对必然要发生的事打赌是毫无意义的。 更详细进入...
The chances had suddenly grown in his favor from ten to one to—fourteen to one: the greengrocer had drawn a slip and indicated carelessly and without pleasure that he was safe.
中文: 抽中死签的可能性突然变得对他有利,从10比1变成了14比1.经营蔬菜水果的商人也抽了一张,然后漫不经心、毫无表情地示意自己平安无事。 更详细进入...
The bank's much-vaunted security system failed completely.
中文: 这家银行大肆吹嘘的保安设施完全无济于事。 更详细进入...
Pure incense makes the environment pleasurable. Silence keeps the world comfortable.
中文: 清雅的馨香,使环境怡然;无声的沈寂,使世界安适。 更详细进入...
A reed before the wind lives on, but the mighty oak falls.
中文: 风摧毁大橡树,但弱芦苇却安然无恙(适应者生存)。 更详细进入...
We marveled that they walked away unhurt from the car accident.
中文: 我们感到惊异的是他们竟安然无恙地逃离车祸。 更详细进入...
The reality, however, is that bullying is not harmless and it must not be ignored.
中文: 然而,事实上,霸凌决非无害,且决不可忽视。 更详细进入...
A simple ceremony was held on June 25 to celebrate the opening of the newly refurbished office, with a special tour organised for Distributors to give them a closer look at Amway's nerve centre in Hong Kong.
中文: 经过一番的装潢,香港安利办事处换上截然不同的面貌,并于6月25日举行了庆祝会,邀请一众安利直销商领导人到办事处参观,一睹形象焕然一新的安利办事处。 更详细进入...
Typical male ignorance. Something old, something new...of course.
中文: 典型男性的无知,「有点旧,有点新……」事属当然。 更详细进入...
Megan's arrival on Montserrat was both welcoming and initially uneventful.
中文: 梅根到蒙特塞拉特后受到欢迎,最初也平安无事。 更详细进入...
Give us mental serenity to accept things that we cannot change.
中文: 求主给我们安静的心,接受那些我们无法改变的事。 更详细进入...
Her love made all the more shameful her inability to stay with him, to lull his panic at the passage facing him as he had once lulled her panic at entering womanhood.
中文: 但爱只让她更加无地置容,因为她无法留在父亲身边,无法像当年她进入青春期父亲安抚她那样,去安抚惶惶然的父亲。 更详细进入...
Though many things inside me are not purely perfect.
中文: 虽然许多事在我心里面不是完全的完整无缺。 更详细进入...
Andrew's result: Low. Andrew's cholesterol levels have actually fallen under 3.8, in fact, they are so low the machine doesn't have a number for it.
中文: 安德鲁的读数结果:胆固醇指数,低。安德鲁的胆固醇水平竟然还低于3.8了,事实上,因为其读数太低,连仪器都无法显示出一个指数。 更详细进入...
And he said, Wherefore wilt thou go to him to day? it is neither new moon, nor sabbath. And she said, It shall be well.
中文: 23丈夫说,今日不是月朔,也不是安息日,你为何要去见他呢。妇人说,平安无事。 更详细进入...