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    A revel involving unrestrained indulgence, especially sexual activity.

    中文: 纵欲涉及无限制沉溺于某事的放纵,尤指性行为 更详细进入...
    Culture or civilization in a degraded state of sentimentality and vulgarity.

    中文: 庸俗文化处于感伤和粗俗的退化状态的文化或文明 更详细进入...
    Stay out of continual, emotional arguments or flame wars.

    中文: 不要沉溺于持久的,情绪的争论或者“网络口水之争”。 更详细进入...
    The cargo discharged at San Francisco.

    中文: 货轮已于旧金山港卸货。 更详细进入...
    The clearest and easiest way to determine a trend is from previous highs and lows. Higher highs and higher lows mark an uptrend, lower highs and lower lows mark a downtrend.

    中文: 确定市场动向的最清楚和最容易的方法是根据旧高和旧低。高于旧高和旧低标志着向上的走向,低于旧高和旧低标志着朝下的走向。 更详细进入...
    The plot is moving and the language is easy-going.

    中文: 故事情节动人,语言通俗易懂. 更详细进入...
    Heze is famous for its peony flowers.

    中文: 菏泽牡丹闻名于天下。 更详细进入...
    Its first loyalty is to citizens.

    中文: 新闻首先要忠于民众。 更详细进入...
    A doting mother alienates her husband by lavishing too much love on their child.

    中文: 溺爱孩子的母亲给孩子太多的爱,以至于和丈夫疏远了。 更详细进入...
    The cargoes were discharged at San Francisco.

    中文: 货轮已于旧金山港卸货。 更详细进入...
    Yes. But I can only swim well enough to keep my head above the water and keep myself form drowning.

    中文: 是的,但是我只会使头保持在水面上而不致于溺水。 更详细进入...
    It intentionally distorts the history of the New May 4 literature in terms of the gradual development in its nationalization, popularization and suiting both the refined and popular tastes, thus paving the way for vulgar literature.

    中文: 其次,“两个翅膀论”故意在严肃文学、通俗文学与低俗文学之间制造混乱,故意曲解“五四”新文学一步步民族化、通俗化,雅俗共赏的历史,为低俗文学鸣锣开道。 更详细进入...
    China is famous for the Great Wall .

    中文: 中国以长城闻名于世。 更详细进入...
    Barbaric customs still prevail in the mountainous area.

    中文: 野蛮的习俗仍流行于这一山区。 更详细进入...
    I will therefore only make some humble comments based on my observations.

    中文: 故此,本人谨就亲眼所见,亲耳所闻,略抒管窥之见,如有一二中的,则于愿足矣。 更详细进入...
    Not reconciled to change; unreconstructed.

    中文: 不妥协于变化的;守旧的 更详细进入...
    Taylor said no one who had indulged in this rare delicacy had complained.

    中文: 泰勒说没有任何沉溺于这种生鲜美食的人有过抱怨。 更详细进入...
    The story was based on a play.

    中文: 故事来源于剧本。 更详细进入...
    Some older communities have not yet set up the parks, while others have only a few apparatus which are often placed in unsheltered areas.

    中文: 一些旧社区根本就没有场地,或仅有几件安置于暴露地区的器械。 更详细进入...
    My grandpa died of hunger in the old days.

    中文: 我爷爷在旧社会死于饥饿。 更详细进入...

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