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Taylor said no one who had indulged in this rare delicacy had complained.

Taylor Fravel presented the views of experts on Chinese foreign policy that China should overcome its long-held victim mentalityand adopt a great power mentalityinstead. 半殖民地化,广东、上海和青岛的外国租界,日本的侵略及满洲国的建立,这一切历史事实至今仍然很敏感。
Taylor Glacier, its snout reddened by iron, drains into Lake Bonney. 泰勒冰河,冰川鼻因铁矿而呈红色,融化的雪水缓缓流入邦尼湖。
Taylor beat Bernard Hopkins in July to win the middleweight championship, then beat him again in December. 泰勒在去年7月份击败伯纳德?霍普金斯后赢得中量级冠军,而后在12月份再次打败他。
Taylor dedicated his Olympic performance to her and this bronze medal sits in a plaque above his fireplace. 泰勒把他自己奥运会的表现奉献给了她,而且把这个奖章镶嵌在壁炉的上面的装饰物上。
Taylor now faces a different type of pressure, like most young athletes who don't come from great wealth, Taylor sees people coming out of the woodwork with their hands out. 泰勒现在面对不同类型的压力,象大多数年轻的、没有很大财富的运动员一样,他理解那些用自己的双手创造财富的人们。
Taylor said no one who had indulged in this rare delicacy had complained. 泰勒说没有任何沉溺于这种生鲜美食的人有过抱怨。
Taylor says he's hoping someone can beat the 2001 Guinness Book of World Records feat in which a British man downed 36 cockroaches. 泰勒表示,他希望有人能打破英国男子在2001年创下的吃下36只蟑螂的吉尼斯世界纪录。
Taylor spoke very highly of the Spanish teenager. 泰勒对这位西班牙小将的评价很高。
Taylor was of well-to-do background and received an excellent education but, partly owing to troubles with his eyesight, decided to become an engineering apprentice. 推荐答案泰勒来自富裕的家庭,受过良好的教育。但是他决定做一名工程师学徒,部分原因是他的视力不好。
Taylor's Travel Adventures is a small, monthly travel magazine owned and edited by Kenny Taylor. One Monday morning, Sherry, the managing editor , knocked on Kenny's office door. 「泰勒旅游杂志」是一本每月发行的小型旅游杂志,由肯尼.泰勒出版和编辑。有个星期一早上,主编雪莉来敲肯尼办公室的门。
Taylor, 26, and Officer Larry Bailly had gone to investigate a silent alarm at a bank in downtown Pensacola, and caught Hill's partner, Cliff Jackson, outside the bank. 26岁的泰勒和一位名叫拉里·贝利的警官去调查彭沙科拉市区一家银行警报失声事故,并在银行外面抓住了希尔的同党克里夫·杰克逊。

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