Women s battle for equal rights has certainly had an effect -- both in the workplace and at home.
中文: 当然,女性在工作和家庭中为争取平等权利而进行的斗争(对男性流泪比例提高)也起到了一定的作用。 更详细进入...
This is the final battle. We must win. Minmei are you ready?
中文: 这是最后的战斗,我们必须胜利,明美,你准备好了么? 更详细进入...
But the flight is just as much an event in Airbus's fierce battle for supremacy with Boeing, its US rival.
中文: 但在空客与其美国竞争对手波音公司争夺飞机市场霸主地位的激烈战斗中,这次试飞同样是件大事。 更详细进入...
Once again, it strikes me how much these comrades see the People's War here as part of the worldwide struggle for revolution.
中文: 同志们是那么深刻地认识到这场人民战争是世界革命斗争的一部分,我再一次被他们的精神感动了。 更详细进入...
Settling the dispute needed a diplomatic master-stroke.
中文: 要解决这一争端需有高明的手腕。 更详细进入...
While there is no definitive proof yet that these seas contain liquid, their shape, their dark appearance in radar that indicates smoothness, and their other properties point to the presence of liquids.
中文: 虽然还没有最终的证明这些海洋里面是液体,但它们的外形、在雷达中呈现出暗色暗示着光滑,以及其他的特性表明存在液体。 更详细进入...
He has inscribed a circle on the surface of the waters At the boundary of light and darkness.
中文: 伯26:10在水面的周围划出界限、直到光明黑暗的交界。 更详细进入...
As a result, conflicts occur between individuals. People abandon their love and trust and fight against each other.
中文: 所以,人与人之间发生了斗争。人们舍弃了彼此间的爱与信赖,自相残杀。 更详细进入...
The two spoke after the news conference about advice for people struggling with substance abuse.
中文: 两人在新闻发布会后向那些同药物滥用作斗争的人提供了一些建议。 更详细进入...
This paper surveyed on the interactive mode and condition of against counter-proneness in internal party and inner-party harmony.
中文: 摘要本文研究了党内反倾向斗争与党内和谐的互动模型和互动状态。 更详细进入...
Calmer winds last night gave firefighters a much-needed break in battling the raging inferno .
中文: 昨晚,风力减弱,这给了和烈火做斗争的消防员一个难得的喘息的机会。 更详细进入...
Greek philosopher who maintained that strife and change are natural conditions of the universe.
中文: 赫拉克利特希腊哲学家,他坚持斗争和变化是宇宙的自然状态的观点 更详细进入...
How much harder will it be to eliminate the prejudice against women? I am sure it will be a longer struggle.
中文: 消除对妇女的歧视的困难有多大?我确信这将会是一场更持久的斗争。 更详细进入...
The last couple of days I've been struggling a lot with the scope of variables as well as updating some variables in a loop, without much luck.
中文: 这几天很不幸,我一直在同变量的取值范围和更新循环中变量作斗争。 更详细进入...
As for the peasant, his problem was much more critical.
中文: 对于农民来说,问题要尖锐得多;与地主的斗争关系到他们的生死存亡。 更详细进入...
Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty?
中文: 难道这就是我们那些爲自由从事伟大艰苦斗争的智者们的一部分吗? 更详细进入...
Man continually wages war on item, for they contaminate his food, carry diseases, or devour his crops.
中文: 人类不断地同昆虫斗争,因为昆虫弄脏我们的食物,传播疾病,吞噬庄稼。 更详细进入...
The Yunnan Lahu people reacted against the reaquistioning of grain of KMT and fought against with KMT army.
中文: 讲述了云南人民反抗国民党军队征粮抢掠、进行不屈不饶斗争的故事。 更详细进入...
Trevor Taylor,“Power Politics”,in Trevor Taylor(ed.)Approaches and Theories in International Relations,Longman,1978,p.124.
中文: 汉斯·摩根索:《国家间政治——为权力与和平而斗争》(中译本,徐昕等译),第37页。 更详细进入...
As the ship drew near to port, we could see the lights blinking in the darkness.
中文: 当船驶进码头时,我们能看到灯光在黑暗中忽明忽灭。 更详细进入...