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    Article 17 A sole proprietor has lawful title to the assets of the sole proprietorship enterprise, and any related right may be assigned or inherited in accordance with the law.

    中文: 第十七条个人独资企业投资人对本企业的财产依法享有所有权,其有关权利可以依法进行转让或继承。 更详细进入...
    Based on the uneconomic circumstances of townshiop enterprises, irrational industrial structure and layout, backward production measures and imperfect legislation and implementation etc. to discuss the background and reasons of which caused the environmen

    中文: 从企业的外部不经济性、布局和产业结构的不合理性、生产手段的落后、立法的不完善及执法的不力等几个方面论述了产生问题的背景原因,探讨了相应的法律对策,要求加强建立我国乡镇企业环境管理地方性立法工作,并在立法中明确排污费的使用、企业产权关系、排污交易制度及环境损害责任保险制度等内容。 更详细进入...
    But the company has also been trying to make security a source of revenue.

    中文: 不过,这家公司还企图把安全作为盈利来源。 更详细进入...
    Mumble can't sing, but he sure can dance!

    中文: 因为小企鹅孟堡不能唱歌,但他确信会跳舞! 更详细进入...
    The government should not waste money supporting lame duck.

    中文: 政府不应浪费资金去扶持那些无望的企业。 更详细进入...
    Electric power system electric power production and supply enterprise technology supervision.Electric power system gauge management.Electric power production coal quality inspection.Electric power production and supply equipment upgrades and tests.Electri

    中文: 电力系统发供电企业技术监督;电力系统计量管理,发电用煤质量检验:发供电设备改造及试验;电力系统发供电企业技术开发及管理。 更详细进入...
    The empirical result indicates that lack of entrepreneurship and R&D team is the key obstacles of endogenous innovation development.

    中文: 实证表明企业家精神不足和高科技人才缺乏是我国企业自主创新实施的最大障碍。 更详细进入...
    Other economists reckon that with productivity high and wages muted, a pernicious wage-price spiral of the kind that lay behind soaring inflation in the 1970s is unlikely.

    中文: 其他经济学家认为,由于生产力水平的高企和工资水平的稳定,发生如上世纪70年代那样恶性的工资—物价螺旋上升及其引发的急速通胀是不可能的。 更详细进入...
    Alliances are more likely to be organized by equity joint venture (EJV) when more uncertainties or complexities are involved, while the existence of alliance experience decreases firm's reliance on formal governance structure.

    中文: 当联盟中涉及更多的不确定性或复杂性时,企业更可能选择股权形式的联盟治理结构;而联盟经历的存在则减少了对股权型联盟治理结构的依赖。 更详细进入...
    There are many factors for this problem, the most of which are: for clear disfigurements in the present financing system, there is a squeezing outeffect in financing for small &medium-sized firms; there are wrong ideas of financing support for those firms

    中文: 导致中小企业融资难的因素有很多,其中最主要的是:我国现行融资制度缺陷明显,对中小企业融资存在着挤出效应;金融机构对中小企业的融资支持存有误区,支持力度不够;中小企业自身规模小、实力弱、信用低、风险大,融资竞争力不强;支持、规范中小企业融资的法律制度不完善;为中小企业融资服务的评估、担保机构不健全;等等。 更详细进入...
    Feedbacks from China's consumer market are also unfavorable to Japanese companies.

    中文: 来自中国消费市场的反馈同样对日企不利。 更详细进入...
    The government should not waste money supporting lame ducks.

    中文: 政府不应浪费资金去扶持那些无望的企业. 更详细进入...
    When the time limit of the preference policies constituted by our country and our province is over, we will support all the items which are put into the support field by the government with fund in the form of finance payment, the abetting scope; the firs

    中文: 执行国家和省出台的优惠政策期限结束后,凡列入政府扶持范围的,通过财政支出渠道安排资金,给予支持,其支持额度为:前3年按不低于企业缴纳的属县级收入的企业所得税(嫁接、改造、租赁、联合、兼并、参股、收购、重组现有企业的,按新增企业所得税计算,下同)的50%,其中:高新技术企业不低于60%;后4年不低于缴纳的属县级收入的企业所得税的25%,其中高新技术企业不低于30%。 更详细进入...
    4 Foreign-funded enterprises, which are engaged in agriculture, forestry or animal husbandry and are established in remote undeveloped counties (cities), with their applications verified by local revenue department and reported level by level to the compe

    中文: 从事农业、林业、牧业和设在经济不发达边远县(市)的外商投资企业,经企业申请,税务机关审核并逐级上报国务院税务主管部门审批,在以后的10年内可以继续按应纳税额减征15%-30%的企业所得税。 更详细进入...
    The company concentrates on admitting the service and the plan services for the authorization that each big business enterprise of production provides the brand trademark, the service category is 25 now,18 whole series.

    中文: 公司致力于为各大生产型企业提供品牌商标的授权许可服务及策划服务,现服务种类为25类,18类整系列。 更详细进入...
    You shall not abhor an Edomite, for he is your brother. You shall not abhor an Egyptian, for you were a sojourner in his land.

    中文: 7不可憎恶以东人,因为他是你的弟兄。不可憎恶埃及人,因为你在他的地上作过寄居的。 更详细进入...
    Owner's equity results from State investment in the collective ownership enterprise and the income earned therefrom.

    中文: (一)国家对集体企业的投资及其收益形成的所有者权益。 更详细进入...
    This product is suitable for dynamic force lead-in circuits in mining enterprises and power circuits in mining area.

    中文: 本产品适用于煤矿企业动力引入及矿区的电力线路中。 更详细进入...
    Welcome all enterprises and institutions and the masses of user's incoming telegrams warmly, write to us to contact the business.

    中文: 热烈欢迎各企事业单位及广大用户来电、来函联系业务。 更详细进入...
    Article 18: A Joint Venture's operations may not be entrusted or leased to the Foreign Party, a foreign organization or another foreign-invested enterprise in China nor may its operations be contracted to the Foreign Party, a foreign organization or anoth

    中文: 第十八条合营企业不得委托或租赁给外方、境外机构或在境内的其它外商投资企业经营,不得让外方或其它境外机构、境内的其它外商投资企业承包经营。 更详细进入...

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