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The government should not waste money supporting lame duck.

The government should be more proactive in encouraging the unemployed to look for jobs. 政府应更主动地鼓励失业人士寻找工作。
The government should consider agriculture as the most important factor in developing national economy, for the reason that agriculture is in special dependence on environment, and developing agriculture and rural economy must protect and improve ecologic 政府应该考虑农业在发展国民经济中是最重要的因素,因为农业对环境上具有特殊的依赖性,发展农业和农村经济必须保护和改进生态环境。
The government should give top priority to rebuilding the inner cities. 政府应该优先重建城内旧中心区.
The government should have increased family allowances and clawed it back from rich tax payers. 政府本来应该增加家庭津贴并向富有的纳税人收回这笔支出。
The government should listen rather less to the coterie of lobbyists and advisers that make up the inner circle of those close to the Prime Minister and his ministers. 政府应该少听一小群院外活动家和顾问们,他们是离首相和他的部长们很近的圈内人士。
The government should not waste money supporting lame duck. 政府不应浪费资金去扶持那些无望的企业。
The government should not waste money supporting lame ducks. 政府不应浪费资金去扶持那些无望的企业.
The government should take effectual measures to combat unemployment. 政府应采取有效措施来对付失业问题。
The government should take the public availability and equity into account, stick to the principles of public financing, combine rights and obligations, and allocate medical care resources rationally. 摘要政府在农村医疗保障中承担财政责任,应以公益性和公平性为取向,并遵循公共财政原则、权利与义务相结合原则、财权与事权相一致原则以及卫生资源合理配置原则。
The government spent two years building a red bridge spanning the gorge. 政府花了两年的时间建造一座横跨那座峡谷的红桥。
The government stepped up security in the capital, banning all vehicles for 24 hours. 政府加强了首都的安全保卫,24小时内禁止车辆通行。

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