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    You can have the piano for 60, and I'll throw in the stool as well.

    中文: 这架钢琴可以卖给你 60 英镑, 琴凳我奉送. 更详细进入...
    You can have the piano for 60, and I'll throw in the stool as well.

    中文: 这架钢琴可以卖给你60英镑,琴凳我奉送. 更详细进入...
    Article 11 Where a decedent survived his child, the direct lineal descendants of the predeceased child inherit in subrogation.

    中文: 第十一条被继承人的子女先于被继承人死亡的,由被继承人的子女的晚辈直系血亲代位继承。 更详细进入...
    Article 23 After the opening of succession, a successor who has knowledge of the death should promptly notify the other successors and the testamentary executor.

    中文: 第二十三条继承开始后,知道被继承人死亡的继承人应当及时通知其他继承人和遗嘱执行人。 更详细进入...
    Four pionts angle contact ball bearing is separable bearing,it can be subject to bi-directional load and have the function of both single row and double rows bearings.

    中文: 四点接触球轴承为可分离型轴承,可承受双向轴向载荷,并有单列和双列角接触球轴承的功能。 更详细进入...
    The radial and thrust bearings are permanently lubricated.

    中文: 径向轴承和止推轴承都是终身润滑。 更详细进入...
    And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher.

    中文: 11我为这福音奉派作传道的,作使徒,作师傅。 更详细进入...
    He had served so many high-class citizens, the rich, the governors, and the new-rich wannabes.

    中文: 他侍奉了很多上层人物,富翁,政客,和新贵们。 更详细进入...
    People in this region embraced Christianity at the turn of the century.

    中文: 这一地区的人在本世纪初开始信奉基督教。 更详细进入...
    Secret to happiness is to make a life about giving.

    中文: 幸福的秘诀就是在生命中为他人做出奉献。 更详细进入...
    Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

    中文: 11当存畏惧事奉耶和华,又当存战兢而快乐。 更详细进入...
    Serve Jehovah with fear, And rejoice with trembling.

    中文: 11当存畏惧事奉耶和华,又当存战兢而欢乐。 更详细进入...
    This is the policy upon which we will act, come what will.

    中文: 这就是我们奉行的政策,成败利害,在所不计。 更详细进入...
    At Midland, Tiago Monteiro committed the cardinal sin of taking off his team mate, Christijan Albers, in the hairpin on the opening lap.

    中文: 在米德兰车队,提戈亚-蒙泰罗承认主要的过失是在第一圈的发夹弯影响了自己的队友克里斯蒂安-阿尔伯斯。 更详细进入...
    The Argentine is desperate to make the World Cup finals and United number two Carlos Queiroz has admitted Heinze could soon return.

    中文: 阿根廷人对参加世界杯决赛阶段比赛和曼联下面的比赛非常渴望,而卡洛斯.奎罗斯承认海因策将很快归来。 更详细进入...
    What, my son? and what, O son of my womb? And what, O son of my vows?

    中文: 2我儿阿,我腹中生的儿阿,我许愿所得的儿阿!我当说什么呢? 更详细进入...
    “If we cannot love ourselves, where will we draw our love for anyone else?” You can't give away something you don't have.

    中文: “如果我们做不到爱自己,又怎么能为别人奉献出爱心呢?”是的,你根本无法奉献出连你自己都没拥有的东西。 更详细进入...
    Whatever our personal frailties may be,the nobility of our calling will always be rooted in two commitments difficult to observe:refusal to lie about what we know and resistance to oppression.

    中文: 不管我们人性的弱点是什么,我们这个职业的神圣之处在于它将永远植根于两种很难去奉行的承诺:拒绝对我们所知道的事情说谎以及反抗压迫。 更详细进入...
    Wayne Bridge - who may become an important figure for Chelsea this season if Ashley Cole remains at Arsenal - was at fault for the first goal.

    中文: 布里奇-这位假如阿科尔不能来蓝军自己就将成为主力的后卫,在昨天的比赛中要为蓝军的失球承担责任。 更详细进入...
    The rightful heir should obtain his rightful inheritance.

    中文: 合法的继承人应获得其合法的继承权。 更详细进入...

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