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Wayne Bridge - who may become an important figure for Chelsea this season if Ashley Cole remains at Arsenal - was at fault for the first goal.

Way that they pass by whether classmate is it go to go soon, they like accumulate experience and knowledge for many years is it share to bring, they hope the listener can avoid detours , they hope to help the classmates to turn dreaming of into reality. 他们走过的路正是同学们即将去走的,他们愿意把积累多年的经验和知识拿出来分享,他们希望听者能少走弯路,他们希望帮同学们把梦想变成现实。
Way to a man's heart is through his stomach. 抓男人的心,要先抓住男人的胃。
Way to go! Being “outspoken” is the key to mastering a language! I admire your bravity. 好棒喔!敢说出口是学好语言的秘诀!我欣赏你的勇敢。
Way under the duty free allowance. 跟限额还差的远呢。
Wayne B. Wheeler, General Counsel of the Anti-Saloon League of America, September, 1925. 美国反聚会联盟组织的总议员,1925年9月述。
Wayne Bridge - who may become an important figure for Chelsea this season if Ashley Cole remains at Arsenal - was at fault for the first goal. 布里奇-这位假如阿科尔不能来蓝军自己就将成为主力的后卫,在昨天的比赛中要为蓝军的失球承担责任。
Wayne Bridge has capped a remarkable turnaround in his career by signing a new deal with Chelsea. 和切尔西签定一份新合同后,韦恩布里奇的职业生涯将会有明显的转变。
Wayne Bridge has gone on loan to Fulham for the remainder of the season. 韦恩.布里奇租借至富勒姆直到这个赛季结束.
Wayne Bridge is expected to return to his left-back berth. 布里奇有希望回到左后卫上。
Wayne Bridge is one player who's not disappointed at all this season. 韦恩布里奇是一个本赛季没有让人失望的球员。
Wayne Bridge, who had his knee operated on two weeks and two days ago, is running well and he is in the same boat. 韦恩.布里奇刚刚在两周零两天前做好膝部手术,现在已经可以好好地跑步,和埃辛的处境相同了。

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