If there is no indication in the credit of the insurance coverage required, the amount of insurance coverage must be at least 110% of the CIF or CIP value of the goods.
中文: 信用证对于投保金额为货物价值、发票金额或类似金额的某一比例的要求,将被视为对最低保额的要求。 更详细进入...
In exchange for mangoes, India is considering relaxing restrictions to allow the import of the Harley-Davidson motorcycles, currently barred from India because of emissions standards and high taxes.
中文: 这一芒果换摩托车的外交策略反映出,印度与美国试图在未来3年内将双边贸易额提高一倍。目前,印度与美国的贸易额约为300亿美元,而美国与中国的贸易额约为3500亿美元。 更详细进入...
A specific Wikimedia Foundation project in a certain language or a multilingual project, such as English Wikipedia, French Wikisource, or Meta.
中文: 维基媒体基金会的在一个语言或多个语言的项目,如英文维基百科,法文维基百科,元维基。 更详细进入...
If the value of the long time delay current, the short time delay current and the instantaneous tripping current overlays, the priority order of operating time is the instantaneous tripping the short time tripping the long time tripping.
中文: 如果长延时、短延时和瞬时脱扣电流整定值重叠时,动作时间优先次序为:瞬时脱扣短延时脱扣长延时脱扣。 更详细进入...
Whereas the amount of regular income tax is less than the amount of basic tax, the amount of income tax payable shall also include the balance of the amount of basic tax and regular income tax, in addition to the amount as calculated in accordance with th
中文: 一般所得税额低于基本税额者,其应缴纳之所得税,除按所得税法及其他相关法律计算认定外,应另就基本税额与一般所得税额之差额认定之。 更详细进入...
At present, Schema Theory and Contextual Theory have been a hotspot of study in reading teaching.
中文: 摘要图式理论和语境理论是目前阅读教学研究的热点。 更详细进入...
The eyes of the Lord preserve knowledge, But He overthrows the words of the treacherous man.
中文: 箴22:12耶和华的眼目、眷顾聪明人.却倾败奸诈人的言语。 更详细进入...
o For a list of OA journals in all fields and languages, see the Directory of Open Access Journals .
中文: 一册在各领域的OA期刊和语言,看到开放存取期刊目录. 更详细进入...
Also has the goal which theOlympic Games supports too to be unitary; Supports aspect the and soon amount underestimate to the Olympic Games question.
中文: 还有奥运会赞助的目的过于单一;对奥运会赞助金额估计不足等方面的问题。 更详细进入...
Gift tables are routinely used by non-profit organizations to reach a particular major gift fundraising objective.
中文: 该捐献表格通常用于非营利机构,为达成一个特殊钜额捐献募款目标的表格。 更详细进入...
With over 30,000 employees, the company achieved sales of around 3.6 billion euros in the fiscal year to September 30, 2004.
中文: 目前集团员工人数超过3万人,2003/4年财政年度的全球销售额约为36亿欧元。 更详细进入...
Every item shall include a standard complement of accessories and special tools to ensure the normal operation.
中文: 为保证设备的正常运转,每个品目都应包括一套标准定额的附件和专用工具。 更详细进入...
Purpose: To report a case of exophthalmos related to frontal and ethmoid sinusitis with subperiosteal abscess.
中文: 摘要目的:报告一个因额窦与筛窦鼻窦炎及骨膜下脓疡而引起的突眼症病例。 更详细进入...
With big bets in China and an accelerating push to go green, GE aims to be the earth-friendly global brand.
中文: 经由在中国的巨额投资和加速绿色环保的改进,GE目标是成为全球环保品牌. 更详细进入...
A language construct that specifies the representation, in character form, of data objects in a file.
中文: 文件中以字符形式规定数据目标表示的一种语言结构。 更详细进入...
This would work by taxing income minus investment and physical inputs rather than simple profits per se, as at present.
中文: 就目前情况而言,可选择的最小税切实可行,因为它是对企业收入减去投资额与硬件投资后的金额进行征税,而不是企业本身的纯利。 更详细进入...
A language user can exploit these features to implement pragmatic strategies via conversational implicatures or indirect language generated from the choice and use of deictic expressions to achieve his communicative goal.
中文: 说话人可以借助这一性质实施语用策略,即利用指示词语产生的会话隐含义达到交际目的。 更详细进入...
Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) is the text translation by the statistical parameter models obtained from the training corpus, which has become the mainstream of machine translation research.
中文: 统计机器翻译是利用基于语料库训练得到的统计参数模型,将源语言的文本翻译成目标语言,它是机器翻译的主流方向。 更详细进入...
The combined use of these four classroom strategies, coupled with Internet activities outside of the classroom, will assist the language student in becoming more familiar with the target language and relevant cultural information, while also ensuring an e
中文: 此四者之综合运用,加上课后之网际网路活动,有助于语言学习者熟悉目标语与相关之文化资讯,同时确保语言学习之乐趣。 更详细进入...
If you think there is a trend of “colloquial poems” indeed, what is the target goal supposed to be.
中文: 你觉得如果真有“口语诗”这种潮流,它的目标应该是什么? 更详细进入...