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Every item shall include a standard complement of accessories and special tools to ensure the normal operation.

Every infinitesimal piece of attachment or karma is completely surrendered unto God and dissolved into the Divine Ocean of Love. 每一个无穷小的附件或业报都完全地听任于神,溶解入爱的海洋里面。
Every inhabitant here has an obligation to pay taxes. 这里的每一位居民都有纳税的义务。
Every intern should have high initiative and capability, should have fast learning ability and handle his/her work as a leader. 每个实习生都被要求具有很高的自主性和能动性,要求具有快速学习的能力,并能以领导的眼光来判断自己手上的工作。
Every intervention now will be taken as a sign of what the regulators will do next time. 当下的每一次干预都会被外界认为表明了这些监管机构下一次面临这种状况时会采取措施。
Every investor thinks they can win. “但在牛市行情中,人们的投资相对不理性。
Every item shall include a standard complement of accessories and special tools to ensure the normal operation. 为保证设备的正常运转,每个品目都应包括一套标准定额的附件和专用工具。
Every its bunch ferrite consists of many phase-equal ferrite thin slices with thickness of about 200nm. 其征一束针状铁素体由许多位相相同,厚度大约200纳米的薄铁素体片组成。
Every jade has been carefully polished by professional technicists,and adopts quintessential processing proportion,which makes the jade ever brighter. 每一颗翡翠都经过专业技师悉心打磨,并采用最完美的车工比例,使翡翠凭添闪烁光芒。
Every job has its difficulties and frustration. 每项工作都有它的困难和挫折.
Every job has its frustrations. 每种工作都有让人不称心的地方。
Every job is a self - portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with guality. 每一项工作都是那个人的自画像,以工作的品质来写你的自传吧。

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