By contrast, the world's other big economic regions grew less robustly, with Japan's economy up only two percent and Europe less.
中文: 跟美国经济相比,世界其他经济大国的增长率就不大令人满意了,尤其是日本经济只增长了2%,欧洲的表现则更差。 更详细进入...
During the Cold War, based on its economic advantage, and with a view to the formation of Polish economic dependence on it, the United States enthusiastically facilitated its economic diplomacy towards Poland.
中文: 摘要冷战期间,美国利用自己的经济优势,积极加强对波兰的经济外交,有意识地促使波兰形成对它的经济依赖。 更详细进入...
ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) is the voice of world business championing the global economy as a force for economic growth, job creation and prosperity.
中文: 国际商会(简称为ICC)是拥护世界经济发展的代言人,其发挥着推动经济增长、创造就业机会和促进经济繁荣的功能。 更详细进入...
In the decade ending in 2005, the Yangtze basin economy grew 12.6% a year on average -- a percentage point faster than the rest of the nation -- as it has switched from agriculture to heavy industry.
中文: 在1995至2005年间,长江流域的经济年均增长率为12.6%,超过全国平均水平,该地区正迅速从农业经济向重工业经济转型。 更详细进入...
The idea of economic man should return back to is its own field-economic behavior, and moral man should be strengthened in moral behavior so as to realize the coordination of economic man and moral man.
中文: “经济人”应回到自己经济行为的“场地”上去,“道德人”则应在道德行为中起指导作用,实现“经济人”与“道德人”的协调发展。 更详细进入...
Economic irrationality is opposite to economic rationality, and it is an conceptual tool which combines the revisal, query, supplement and auxiliary of the normal formulas in the field of economic rational research.
中文: 经济非理性与经济理性是一个相对立的范畴,它是集对经济理性研究范式修正、质疑与补充、辅助的概念性工具。 更详细进入...
A Macroeconometric Model for Taiwan with Application to Its Airline Business,International Workshop on Econometric Modeling, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Dec. 17-18, 1996.
中文: 「台湾总体经济即期季模型之建立与应用」,1998年总体经济计量模型研讨会,中央研究院经济研究所,台北,1998年12月。 更详细进入...
China, being in reform of socialism market economy, should positively face up to the economic globalization and take advantage of world economic market to develop our productivity.
中文: 正在进行社会主义市场经济改革的中国,要积极应对经济全球化的现实,利用世界经济舞台,发展我国的生产力。 更详细进入...
Nowadays, anthropocentric economic development view is gradually replacing, materialcentric economic development view, while it keeps continuing to improve itself.
中文: 在现代,已经出现人本经济发展观逐步取代物本经济发展观的基本趋势,同时人本经济发展观自身也应不断完善。 更详细进入...
Concerns are mounting that the boom could cause property bubbles that weigh down banks with bad debt when they burst.
中文: 人们担心一旦经济增长导致的泡沫经济爆发,银行将会被坏帐所累。 更详细进入...
This amounts to a form of socioeconomic theory in which (relational) context matters, in contrast with the universal rationalism assumed in orthodox economics.
中文: 宏观经济理论强调理性环境的作用,而正统经济学则强调遍在理性。 更详细进入...
The world economic had seen the evident sign of changing into new-economy since eighties of ninety century.
中文: 二十世纪九十年代以来,世界经济出现了向新经济转化的明显征兆。 更详细进入...
Economists continue to argue fiercely about whether Asia can decouple from the world's biggest economy.
中文: 经济学家仍然在激烈争论亚洲是否能够脱离世界上最强大的经济。 更详细进入...
How to orientate human rights in economic development course determines basically the economic development lever.
中文: 在经济发展过程中如何定位人权,将从根本上决定经济的发展水平。 更详细进入...
I do remember that in our textbook it says that free market let to the great depression in the 1930's.
中文: 在我们当年的经济学课本里说自由市场导致了30年代的经济衰退。 更详细进入...
Inside the earthy wall crowded, by a thread of sunshine, each eye is brightened.
中文: 土墙内可谓济济一堂,依靠木窗射入的一丝光线,照亮着一双双眼睛。 更详细进入...
It is an economical way of com-municating locally, nationally and internationally.
中文: 通讯经济:使用网际网路对国际、国内或地方性的通讯,是十分的经济。 更详细进入...
Supply- side economics is supposed to promote savings, investment, and entrepreneurial creativity.
中文: 供应经济学政策的经济应该能够提高存款,刺激投资和企业创造力。 更详细进入...
The present macroeconomic deficiency of the mainland China is related to its economical dualistic nature and the reform of the system.
中文: 大陆目前宏观经济需求不足的实质是经济二元结构及其体制变迁。 更详细进入...
A: How much is it to rent an economy car?
中文: 租一辆经济车要多少钱? 更详细进入...