Your spirit touch my voice in one combined.
中文: 你的灵魂碰触我的声音,合为一体。 更详细进入...
The rudest habitation, the most unpromising and scanty portion of land, in the hands of an Englishman of taste, becomes a little paradise.
中文: 至为粗陋之住所,或至为黯淡贫瘠之地域,若遇品性高雅之英格兰人,则可成令人神往之天堂。 更详细进入...
Sales more than offset production costs.
中文: 销售远远抵销了成本费用。 更详细进入...
Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof.
中文: 5在大水,和水族以下的阴魂,战兢。 更详细进入...
Despair and anguish fled (from) the struggling soul.
中文: 绝望和痛苦离开了挣扎中的灵魂。 更详细进入...
Evidence is the life and the soul of law case.
中文: 证据是案件的生命,是案件的灵魂。 更详细进入...
My soul has grown deep like the rivers.
中文: 我的灵魂已变得像河流一样深奥。 更详细进入...
Somehow suck the Horcruxes through the Veil?
中文: 以某种方法把魂器扔到帷幔那边? 更详细进入...
We view quality as the soul of an enterprise.
中文: 我们认为质量是一个企业的灵魂。 更详细进入...
You do not acquire a \'spirit\' at death.
中文: 你在死亡时并没有获得一个灵魂。 更详细进入...
Your individuality was always latent within your soul.
中文: 你的个性始终潜藏在你的灵魂中。 更详细进入...
Wheneverthe Shadow Fiend kills a target, he stores the unfortunate soul insideof him. For each stored soul he gains 2 bonus damage until his owndeath releases half of them from bondage.
中文: 每当影魔杀死一个生物,他就将这个可怜的灵魂储存在体内。每个灵魂会为他提供2点额外的攻击力。不过当他死亡时,有一半的灵魂将逃逸出去。 更详细进入...
Chinese car sales increased by 60-70 per cent in 2002 and 2003 and in the first quarter of 2004, before slowing abruptly later in the year, leaving dealers saddled with large stocks of unsold cars.
中文: 2002年、2003年和2004年第一季,中国汽车销售增长60%至70%,之后在2004年晚些时候突然减缓,令经销商出现大量汽车存货积压。 更详细进入...
It is international and my 9 weeks of hospitalization in special foreigner sections was 100% reimbursed while in US your cost is subject to reasonabilityand co-payment (The former is very troublesome.
中文: 我在外宾病房住院9周,所有费用都100%报销,然而,即使是在美国,你的费用报销还得“合理”并须自付一部分(前者非常麻烦)。 更详细进入...
Why did the nation attack the United States and recklessly continue to fight when prospects for victory were fading fast?
中文: 为什么这个国家攻击了美国并在胜利的希望黯淡渺茫的时候还疯狂的想继续战斗下去? 更详细进入...
But how the “greenhouse effect” operates and why such a tiny proportion of CO2 has such a harmful effect are still the two most puzzling questions haunting natural scientists today.
中文: 但是,温室效应怎样起作用,如此少量的二氧化碳为什么会具有如此有害的效应,仍然是两个最令自然科学家魂牵梦绕迷惑不解的问题。 更详细进入...
Soap?Cars?What'S the difference?
中文: 推销肥皂?推销汽车?区别何在? 更详细进入...
The mode and system of marketing are unsound.
中文: 营销方式和营销体系不健全; 更详细进入...
However, when advertising people have to face the account sales numbers everyday, the art would be despiritualized.
中文: 然而,当广告人每天都要接受销售数字的检验时,艺术难免会被世俗化。 更详细进入...
The manager thought that Jhon would not make a good salesman.But it turned out that John came through with flying colors in the first month.
中文: 经理认为约翰不是当推销员的料。但是第一个月他居然干得很出色歌。 更详细进入...