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However, when advertising people have to face the account sales numbers everyday, the art would be despiritualized.

However, when I thought that the honor also belonged to all the volunteers of GYVA, and would be good for the publication of our future volunteer work, I then delightedly went and accept the award. 但是,想到这个荣誉也属于我们广青的全体志愿者,想到有利于今后我们的志愿工作宣传,还是很欣喜地去领了这个奖项回来。
However, when I was going out shopping last week, I noticed him in the garden near the gate. 然而上星期我正要出去买东西时,发现它正呆在花园里边靠门的地方。
However, when Marcus meets Will, he is busy juggling his concern for his mother with problems at school. 然而,当两人相遇时,马可斯正在照顾母亲和处理学校问题上奔忙不休。
However, when She gets into Her final Shift position—where the energy of the dimension is going from the Third Dimension to the Fourth and the Photon Energy has already begun to engulf Earth, She will set the state for Her last spins through the Third Dim 然而,当她进入她的最后转移的位置时-在那里空间的能量即将从三度空间到四度空间而光子能量已经开始吞没了地球,她将透过三度空间为她的最后旋转设定状况。
However, when a delivery plane crashes on a mountain side, the sled dogs get the opportunity to show their worth. 然而,当一架运输机在山边墬机时,让这些雪橇狗证明他们的重要性的时刻来临了。
However, when advertising people have to face the account sales numbers everyday, the art would be despiritualized. 然而,当广告人每天都要接受销售数字的检验时,艺术难免会被世俗化。
However, when an attacking player is in possession, he is, unless on a quick break, likely to be surrounded by team mates who are all operating in a small zone of the pitch. 然而,当进攻球员在控球时,除非是快速突破,他很可能被球场上一个小区域内活动的队友们所包围。
However, when analyzing AC circuit, it is important to consider the magnitude as well as the direction of phasor quantities. 不过,在分析交流电路时,重要的是不仅要考虑相量的幅值,还要考虑相量的方向。
However, when he offers to sell his share, the other co-owners shall have a right of pre-emption if all other conditions are equal. 但在出售时,其他共有人在同等条件下,有优先购买的权利。
However, when it's in a state of possession by our insecurities, when it's in the grip of our history, it becomes neurotic, so to speak—it gets in the way. 但是,当它处于被我们内在不安全感占据的状态时,当它被我们的历史所统治时,它变的神经质,所以可以这样说——它妨碍了我们。
However, when memory loss and impaired thought processing affect daily life and activities, such as getting dressed and communicating, dementia may be the cause. 然而,当记忆力丧失且失去了思考能力并影响到日常生活,诸如穿衣服和谈话这样的活动时,那么痴呆症可能就是病因所在了。

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