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    The main advantage of a ground ball pitcher is supposed to be his ability to prevent balls from leaving the park.

    中文: 滚地球投手主要的优势被认为是他有避免球被击出全垒打墙外的能力。 更详细进入...
    But the strictness is really a major guard against the catastrophes that start to come up when you're scaling up your design.

    中文: 但当你需要拓展你原来的设计时,这些规则就成了避免大祸的强大卫士。 更详细进入...
    When you get it as rarely as he does, you have to do everything else well.You have to keep the ball down to get double plays and avoid the home run, field the position well, hold runners, and, most of all, avoid walks, wild pitches, and other mistakes.

    中文: 若以王建民的方式来解决打者,则必须有许多条件的配合,必须将球投低以制造双杀机会及避免被击出全垒打、野手必须守在适当位置、尽量使打者不会上垒,最主要者,必须避免保送、暴投及其他失误发生。 更详细进入...
    When the machine is on regular production, turn the safety lock on and enter safety status, the machine will stop immediately to avoid accident if someone opens the safety guarding system.

    中文: 当机器正常生产时,打开安全锁进入安全状态,机器将立刻停止以避免事故的发生,当人打开安全向导系统时。 更详细进入...
    So it might appear that vibration is strengthened at some point in superposition region, and vibration is weakened at some point or is completely cancelled out.

    中文: 因此会出现交叠区某些地方振动加强,某些地方振动减弱或完全抵消的现象。 更详细进入...
    Stronger employment data has recently reduced fears of a recession in the US, and has helped support equity prices into the New Year.

    中文: 强劲的就业数据减弱了对美国经济衰退的担心,也帮助股价水平支持到新年。 更详细进入...
    Attaching vital importance to and strengthening Party building is a magic weapon with which our Party has grown from a small and weak force to a large and strong one, risen in spite of setbacks and matured gradually in surmounting difficulties.

    中文: 高度重视和不断加强自身建设,是我们党从小到大、由弱到强,从挫折中奋起、在战胜困难中不断成熟的一大法宝。 更详细进入...
    The test results show that the rotor induced flow changes the warship airwake and the influence of the rotor can be reduced by opening the hangar door.

    中文: 结果表明,旋翼诱导速度改变了舰船尾流分布,打开机库门可减弱旋翼的影响。 更详细进入...
    In contrast to chlorine, iodophors bind only very weakly to deposits, and thus organic matter does not inhibit their bactericidal activity.

    中文: 与氯相反,强力碘与沉积物结合能力非常弱,因此有机物并不会抑制杀菌活性。 更详细进入...
    He also hits pretty hard with his totem.

    中文: 同时他也能够运用他的图腾柱使出强力的打击。 更详细进入...
    I was sent by Vask, to investigate disruption of his smuggling activities by unknown bandits.

    中文: 瓦斯克派我来的,来调查被强盗打断的走私活动。 更详细进入...
    Hughes has elicited fear in Minor League hitters with his electric pitches.

    中文: 休斯以他的强力投球让小联盟的打者恐惧不已。 更详细进入...
    The left leg begins to kick to counter-balance the final propulsive surge and extraction of the right arm.

    中文: 左腿开始打水平衡右臂最后的强劲推力及出水。 更详细进入...
    They had challenged and beaten the best team in the world.

    中文: 他们曾向世界上最强的球队挑战并将他们打败。 更详细进入...
    The order of pronouns indicating others and attributives of other types is as follows: qita>lingwai>ling>biede>qiyu>pangde.

    中文: 旁指代词与其他类型定语搭配能力的强弱顺序为:其他>另外>另>别的>其余>旁的。 更详细进入...
    Newcastle Disease Detection by Gene Chip and Typing of Newcastle Disease Virus by RT-PCR Test Coupled with Restriction Endonuclease Analysis

    中文: 基因芯片检测新城疫病毒和PCR结合内切酶分析鉴别新城疫强弱毒株的研究 更详细进入...
    She was feeble both aesthetically and aurally, that is to say she was of slight and delicate build, and her name was Mrs. Phi (Phinomena) Bull.

    中文: 无论从审美学还是从气质角度去看,她都是个柔弱女子,也就是说她长得娇嫩而瘦弱,而她的名字却是斐.布尔(Pull公牛,身强力壮的人)。 更详细进入...
    And former Chinese president Jiang Zemin affirmed, Any attempt to break the existing international strategic balance by developing sophisticated weapons systems cannot but spark new rounds of an arms race and jeopardize world peace.

    中文: 中国前国家主席江泽民强调过:“任何试图打破目前用常规武器建立的国际战略平衡的行动,都将不可避免的引发新一轮的军备竞赛,这将危害世界和平。” 更详细进入...
    So she a or herself in ru ing tu in a club in the suburb, only to avoid being disturbed by the mob.

    中文: 于是它专心地躲在郊外的一个俱乐部里擦拭浴盆,逃避乌合之众们的打扰。 更详细进入...
    Do not strike matches or lighters, and try to avoid coughing whilst your opponent is at the table.

    中文: 当你的对手在台面击球时,不能划火柴或点燃打火机,另外要避免咳嗽出声。 更详细进入...

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