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When the machine is on regular production, turn the safety lock on and enter safety status, the machine will stop immediately to avoid accident if someone opens the safety guarding system.

When the loops have been sheared off on one side, the fabric is known as velour. 把一边的小圈圈全部剪掉的面料就叫做丝绒。
When the luncheon hour drew near there came a slight lull in the uproar. 午餐时间逐渐临近,喧嚣之中慢慢出现片刻暂息。
When the lung functions normally, the large intestine does well. 肺的功能正常则大肠的功能也正常。
When the lust has conceived, it bears sin, and the sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. 私欲既怀了胎,就生出罪来。罪既成长,就会死去。
When the machine broke down again, some mechanics took it to pieces. 当那台机器再次出毛病时,一些机械师便把它拆开了。
When the machine is on regular production, turn the safety lock on and enter safety status, the machine will stop immediately to avoid accident if someone opens the safety guarding system. 当机器正常生产时,打开安全锁进入安全状态,机器将立刻停止以避免事故的发生,当人打开安全向导系统时。
When the mages get to the party, though, they find out that there's a very specific point to all the revelry. 而当法师看到这些狂欢的时候,他们会发现那些不同寻常的地方。
When the maggot bites, he will go fishing in the rain. 他有时心血来潮,会冒着雨走去钓鱼。
When the magistrate saw him, he shouted, What's this foolishness? 当裁判官看见他时,裁判官大叫,你干甚麽傻事?
When the magnetics drop to zero, people go insane. 当地磁降到零点时候,人们趋于狂乱。
When the magnetite suspension solution was used as catalyst, crystalline bamboo-structured CNTs were obtained. Y junction CNTs were also obtained under ambient condition. 当使用磁铁矿悬浮液作为催化剂时,得到结晶性良好之竹节状奈米碳管。而在适当条件下,可得到Y接点奈米碳管。

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