The American movie True Lies stars Arnold Schwarzenegger.
中文: 美国电影《真实的谎言》是由施瓦辛格主演的. 更详细进入...
Why the outgoing President's felicitation on the indorsement?
中文: 爲什麽卸任总统要对人民的支持巧言美语? 更详细进入...
According its presenting forms, the information redundancy in language can be divided into two types: repetitive information redundancy and connotative information redundancy.
中文: 摘要语言中信息冗余按照其呈现的方式可分为复现型信息冗余和蕴涵型信息冗余。 更详细进入...
Frank and unreserved in speech.
中文: 直言不讳的在言语上坦率且无保留地 更详细进入...
Translators convey the full meaning of the information from the source language into the target language in the appropriate style and register.
中文: 翻译员能够以适当的文体和用语,将源语言中的信息完整地译成目标语言。 更详细进入...
He that hears much and speaks not a all. shall be welcome both in bower and hall.
中文: 多听不多言,里外人不嫌。 更详细进入...
Not only did I make a promise, but also I kept it.
中文: 我不但许下诺言,我也(遵守)实现了诺言。 更详细进入...
They talked not only without acrimony, but even with friendliness.
中文: 不仅没有恶言相向,言语间还十分投机。 更详细进入...
Locale information is language, monetary, time and other information specific for a geographical area.
中文: 本地信息可以是指定的某个区域的语言、货币、时间以及其它的信息。 更详细进入...
Our R&D areas are categorized in natural language processing, WEB information processing and multimedia information processing.
中文: 我们的研究领域包括:自然语言处理、WEB信息处理和多媒体信息处理。 更详细进入...
Mr Putin's speech contained a large dollop of self-serving anti-American cant.
中文: 普京的演讲中包含着大量自私的反美言辞。 更详细进入...
In order to obtain more knowledge in US, mastering the language is crucial.
中文: 想在美国学习更多的知识,语言是最主要的. 更详细进入...
Not to talk much, nor of myself.
中文: 不可多言,不要老谈自己。 更详细进入...
One finding that stands out in the polls is that most Americans distrust government strongly.
中文: 民调中最突出的一项发现是,多数美国民众非常不信任政府。 更详细进入...
Kind words butter no parsnips.
中文: 花言巧语不顶用。 更详细进入...
we could never fail to keep our promise.
中文: 我们决不会食言. 更详细进入...
A wise believer understands the essence of Buddhism,Those who are superstitious misinterpret the virtue of religion.
中文: 智信者深体佛法之精神,迷信者曲解宗教之美意。 更详细进入...
B: I think it's better for me to leave a message. But it's important and urgent. Please make sure he gets this message.
中文: 我觉得还是留下一个口信比较好。不过这件事很要紧,请一定将留言传达给他。 更详细进入...