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According its presenting forms, the information redundancy in language can be divided into two types: repetitive information redundancy and connotative information redundancy.

According as her plan is well carried out, she will do very well in her exams. 如果好好执行她的计划,她将会考好各科考试。
According as her request to putting some pieces of the apple and strawberry in the middle of the cake ,put some Kiwi at the side of the cake ,the top strawberry too.(most of my friends are like strawberry very much so that I made the cake with strawberry 应小姑要求在中间加了些苹果粒和草莓粒,边上铺上奇异果,再在上面铺上草莓(我身边的朋友不知怎的,都很喜欢草莓,唉......没法办只好再做一个草莓蛋糕啦)。
According as the requirement of experiment, program temperature increasing and decreasing are applied, the relative standard deviation and the recovery of method are 2.67% and 95.8% respectively. 根据实验要求用到程式升温与程式降温,方法的相对标准偏差为2.67%,回收率为95.8%。
According backdrop is reform property right system of forestry in this paper, so we discuss the drive settle new circs, furthermore inaugurate design some reform measurements for establishing commercial forestry agora about property right system, base of 摘要以集体林权制度改革所引发的经济基础的变革为背景,以商品林市场化的基本构思来推动解决林业产权改革中所出现的新情况,对商品林市场化的经济基础、基本框架等进行思考和创新性设计。
According customers' require and SOP etc. make products on time. 根据SOP和客户的要求按时生产产品.
According its presenting forms, the information redundancy in language can be divided into two types: repetitive information redundancy and connotative information redundancy. 摘要语言中信息冗余按照其呈现的方式可分为复现型信息冗余和蕴涵型信息冗余。
According our experience,the handicrafts sell well in japan. 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路很好。
According product plan, release JIT PO to suppliers. 根据生产作业计划,下达供应商JIT计划。
According should terrain, wind direction and other conditions leading layout, so as not to affect the process requirements. 还应根据地形、主导风向等情况布置,以免影响工艺的要求。
According the Law of Labour, bosses can't fire workers at will any longer. 根据劳动法,老板们再也不可以任意解雇工人了。
According the above objectives, the topics of the course include the history of color, the notation systems of color, the color psychology, and the use of color. 为达上述目标,本课程之主要上课内容有:了解色彩的由来、色彩的体系、色彩心理学、配色与色彩的应用等;并透过实作练习,帮助学生将理论应用于实务中。

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