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    Following the custom of setting free one prisoner chosen by popular demand before Passover, Pontius Pilate suggested pardoning Jesus, but the crowd protested and demanded the release of Barabbas.

    中文: 依照逾越节之前视人民需要选出一名囚犯加以释放的习俗,彼拉多建议宽恕耶稣,但群众抗议,要求释放巴拉巴。 更详细进入...
    Mark Foley's former chief of staff says he was told of the congressman's inappropriate behavior more than 3 years ago and warned the House Speaker's office.

    中文: 马克-佛利的前主要幕僚称他在至少三年前就对该议员的不正当行为有所耳闻,并向众议院长办公室提出过警告。 更详细进入...
    Once APEC is over, Nurimaru house, funded from Busan's coffers, will be open to the public for two days after the summit, and serve as a memorial hall to the event until March.

    中文: APEC会议一结束,由釜山市出资建造的“世峰楼”将对公众开放两天,直到明年3月这里都将作为此次会议的纪念馆。 更详细进入...
    Prior to her election as lieutenant governor in 2002, and re-election in 2006, Carol Molnau served nine years and five terms as a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives representing portions of Carver, Sibley, Scott and Le Sueur counties.

    中文: 在她当选为副州长之前,曾连续9年在明尼苏达州众议院任议员,于2002年被选为常务副州长,并于4年后再度当选。 更详细进入...
    Before calling a meeting, several key decisions help to start the meeting on the right foot. A meeting's goals dictate1 what meeting format is required and whether socializing is necessary.

    中文: 召集会议之前,有几个关键性的决定能帮助确保这个会议在一开始时就步入正轨。会议的目的决定了这个会议需要采取什么形式,以及是否需要安排社交活动。 更详细进入...

    中文: 您若对本栏目有任何意见或建议,请与我们联系。若意见或建议被采纳,免费送你首页广告位一个(一个月)。 更详细进入...
    The ITTF has indeed banned all frictionless long pimpled rubbers as from 01 July 2008.? This includes all long pimpled rubbers currently used.

    中文: 从2008年7月1日起,国际乒联决议禁用长胶粒胶皮。此项决议包括所有现在采用的长胶粒胶皮和套胶。 更详细进入...
    The Manager shall hold a monthly meeting of staff members, where the complaints and suggestions received during the month and the redressal action taken will be discussed.

    中文: 分行经理应当每月举行一次全体员工会议,在会上讨论当月收到的投诉和建议,以及采取的补救措施。 更详细进入...
    The proposed security and authentication protocol made use to the combination of public key and secret key to provide such ploy.

    中文: 这种方法采用的认证协议同时结合了公钥加密和密钥加密技术。 更详细进入...
    The Shanghai government will require people who speak bad Mandarin to attend remedial classes in the run up to the exposition “to end the confusion,” the China Daily said.

    中文: 上海政府将要求普通话不标准的民众参加矫正班,直到博览会豋场为止,「以中止混淆」,中国日报说。 更详细进入...
    We will also visit some museums, for instance, the Forbidden City.

    中文: 我们也会参观博物馆,例如:故宫博物院. 更详细进入...

    中文: 托尼” 赌博! 更详细进入...
    The federal Government may chose to adopt any, all or none of the 54 wide-ranging recommendations from the six-member committee.

    中文: 这个六人委员会提交了54项内容广泛的建议,联邦政府也许会选取其中之一或全部建议,或都不予采纳。 更详细进入...
    We invite you to contact us and see if we can do business with you.

    中文: 您若对本栏目有任何意见或建议,请与我们联系。若意见或建议被采纳,免费送你首页广告位一个(一个月)。 更详细进入...
    Dr. Ellie Sattler: Doctor Grant's not machine compatible.

    中文: 斯特勒博士:格兰特博士跟机器八字不合。 更详细进入...
    A number of incidents in recent years have provoked a public outcry against media sensationalism and invasion of privacy.

    中文: 近年几宗事故中,传媒耸人听闻的报导手法和侵犯私隐,激起公众强烈抗议。 更详细进入...
    Cameroon alone received $100m in grants and loans, although the terms were not immediately made public.

    中文: 喀麦隆自己就得到了1亿美金的借款,尽管这个协议没有立即向公众公布。 更详细进入...
    After receiving the comments, the agency can issue a final rule, along with a general statement describing the rule's authority and purpose.

    中文: 这个通知必须描述被提议的规章并且至少给予公众三十天的时间去评论。 更详细进入...
    WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 — House Democrats easily passed legislation on Thursday that would rescind $14 billion in tax breaks and subsidies for oil drillers and reserve the money to develop alternative energy projects and conservation technologies.

    中文: 华盛顿1月18日星期四众议院民主党轻松通过了一项立案,取消原油开采商14亿美元的税收优惠和补贴,而将该款项用于可替代能源开发项目和能力保护技术。 更详细进入...
    Due to the difference of payoff matrix, the game relation between government and developers appears to be three game models, namely chicken game, prisoners' dilemma and boxed pigs.

    中文: 政府与开发商之间的博弈关系因支付矩阵的不同可能出现斗鸡博弈、囚徒困境博弈和智猪博弈三种情况。 更详细进入...

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