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After receiving the comments, the agency can issue a final rule, along with a general statement describing the rule's authority and purpose.

After receiving my message, please return me. 收到我的信息请回电话.
After receiving new evidence, the police have reopen the murder inquiry. 在收到新的证据后,警察重新对谋杀进行调查。
After receiving reports of a possible terror attack, the United States has closed its consulate in the Indian city of Bombay. 在接到有关可能发生袭击的报告之后,美国关闭了在印度孟买的领事馆。
After receiving the Exhibition Application Form and the booth expenses, the sponsor will mail the invoice and Exhibitor Manual to the exhibitors. 主办单位收到《参展申请表》和展台费用后,将发票与《参展商手册》一并寄给参展商。
After receiving the above-mentioned materials, the authorised service representatives will process the claims according to the “TRIANGLE OFF-THE-ROAD TIRES LIMITED WARRANTY FOR OVERSEA OE MARKET”. 客户服务代表将理赔后的轮胎单独存放,至少需要保存三个月以便三角的人员检查。
After receiving the comments, the agency can issue a final rule, along with a general statement describing the rule's authority and purpose. 这个通知必须描述被提议的规章并且至少给予公众三十天的时间去评论。
After receiving the confirmation, the exhibitor should pay the costs to the bank and start the transportation of the exhibits and the stand decoration. 参展单位收到“参展确认书”后,按要求将有关费用汇到指定银行,并开始展品送展和展台设计制作。
After receiving the insulting letter, he became furious. 他收到辱骂信后怒不可遏。
After receiving the investigation warrant, Yong Wang came to the office in the required time and took initiative to confess part of the alleged misconduct and other problems; however, what he admitted is not consistent with what the Company knows. 王雍本人接到公司的律师函后,在公司规定的时间内,主动交待了一些当时在劳务费问题上所犯严重错误和其他的一些问题并具有一定的主动认错态度,但公司掌握的情况和本人交待问题还有不一致之处。
After receiving the tax registration certificate, filing an application for receiving and purchasing invoices at competent tax authorities and at the same time providing the ID card of the person handling the particular matter, tax registration certificat 在领取税务登记证件后,向主管税务机关提出领购发票申请,同时提供经办人身份证明、税务登记证件或者其他有关证明以及财务印章或发票专用章的印模。
After receiving treatment on the touchline The Emperor comes back on. 在接受了场边的治疗后,阿德里亚诺重回球场。

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