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WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 — House Democrats easily passed legislation on Thursday that would rescind $14 billion in tax breaks and subsidies for oil drillers and reserve the money to develop alternative energy projects and conservation technologies.

WASHINGTON — A report by the General Accounting Office suggests that the government has not fully addressed all legal issues that would come into play in efforts to promote widespread adoption of healthcare information technology. 华盛顿—美国总审计署的一份报告指出政府还没有提供完整的法规,进而努力推动医疗卫生信息技术的广泛应用。
WASHINGTON — Malaria is fueling the spread of AIDS in Africa by boosting the HIV in people's bodies for weeks at a time, says a study that pins down the deadly interplay between the dual scourges. 华盛顿消息,一项调查表明,每次发作持续几星期的疟疾促进了艾滋病毒的扩散,因此加快了艾滋病在非洲的传播速度,这两种疾病的双重作用是异常致命的。
WASHINGTON, April 20 — President Bush and China's president, Hu Jintao, pledged to cooperate more closely on fighting nuclear proliferation and reducing trade imbalances on Thursday, but broke no new ground on the most delicate issues that divide the two 周四,布什和胡宣称要在反核扩散和贸易失衡上更加紧密地合作,但是微妙问题上没有新的突破。
WASHINGTON, JULY 8(UPl)-CNN hopes to feature Asia more prominently in its news programs in order to share in Japan's estimated $50 billiOn in advertising revenue this year, according to NEWSWEEK. 据《新闻周刊》报道,为了在今年日本估计为500亿美元的广告收入中占有份额,美国有线新闻网希望在其新闻节目中更加突出亚洲特色。
WASHINGTON, JY 8(UPl)-CNN hopes to feature Asia more prominently in its news programs in order to share in Japan's estimated $50 billiOn in advertising revenue this year, according to NEWSWEEK. 据《新闻周刊》报道,为了在今年日本估计为500亿美元的广告收入中占有份额,美国有线新闻网希望在其新闻节目中更加突出亚洲特色。
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 — House Democrats easily passed legislation on Thursday that would rescind $14 billion in tax breaks and subsidies for oil drillers and reserve the money to develop alternative energy projects and conservation technologies. 华盛顿1月18日星期四众议院民主党轻松通过了一项立案,取消原油开采商14亿美元的税收优惠和补贴,而将该款项用于可替代能源开发项目和能力保护技术。
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 — In a day of transition and pageantry, exultant Democrats on Thursday took control of both houses of Congress for the first time in a dozen years and elected the first woman to be speaker of the House. 华盛顿1月4日—本周二,在整整一天的壮观交接中,兴高采烈的民主党12年来首次掌控参众两院,这也是美国众院迎来史上首位女议长。
WASHINGTON, Jan. 5 — The new Democratic leaders of the Senate and the House warned President Bush on Friday against sending additional troops to Iraq, setting the stage for what could become a major confrontation over a new war strategy. 华盛顿顿,1月5日一个新的民主党议员领导和星期五白宫警告布什总统违反额外士兵去伊拉克,发动一场都斗争为什莫变成一个主要的正式在一场新的战略战争上。
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20 — In the latest round of legal Ping-Pong over the future of 49 million roadless acres of national forests, a federal judge in California on Wednesday reinstated Clinton-era protections against logging and mining on the land and invali 华盛顿9月20日-在最近一轮事关全国4900多万英亩尚未建路的森林未来的法律拉锯战中,一个加州的联邦法官,在本周三复活了克林顿时代对该类森林不伐木和不开矿的保护,同时也使布什政府替代克林顿政府的政策无效。
WASHINGTON/LONDON (Reuters) - Lowering cholesterol as much as possible may reduce the risk of heart disease, but with a price: taking it too low could raise the risk of cancer, U.S. researchers reported on Tuesday. 华盛顿/伦敦(路透社)-美国研究人员周二报告指出:降低胆固醇会尽可能的降低患心脏病的风险,但这是有代价的:若把胆固醇降的太低,会增加患癌症的风险.
WASHINGTON,JULY 8(UPl)-CNN hopes to feature Asia more prominently in its news programs in order to share in Japan's estimated $50 billiOn in advertising revenue this year. 据《新闻周刊》报道,为了在今年日本估计为500亿美元的广告收入中占有份额,美国有线新闻网希望在其新闻节目中更加突出亚洲特色。

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