The diameter (opening position ,outer painting) of this branch pipe is not correct. It must be fabricated in accordance with the drawing.
中文: 这一支管通径(开的位置,外部涂装)不对,一定要按照图纸施工。 更详细进入...
But if the FSA has seen the light, European directives that pay insufficient heed to the City's unique position increasingly tie the regulator's hands.
中文: 如果英国金融监管局(FSA)找到了一些监管的窍门的话,他们的欧洲同行还没有理解到金融城地位的独特地位,监管过于严厉。 更详细进入...
One wise thing to do when designing the layout of Web pages is to let a section of each page be of variable size to fit the size of a large or small resolution monitor.
中文: 这里提供一个窍门,当你在设计页面布局的时候,让网页中每个部分的尺寸都可以随着显示器分辨率的大小变化而变化。 更详细进入...
Same-sex couples who are civilly married should, however, be allowed to apply to adopt, especially in cases where a child has been conceived by one of the partners in another relationship, or where a child has been born through assisted reproduction.
中文: 不过通过民事结婚的同性夫妇可以申请领养,特别是当伴侣中的一方通过其他关系怀有一个孩子,或通过人工辅助生育一个孩子的情况下。 更详细进入...
Experimental study on effect of prescription with reinforcing the kidney and activating circulation, purgation, inducing resuscitation and activating circulation on neuropeptide and monoamine nervous transmitter in aged rats with gastrointestinal tract in
中文: 补肾活血、泻下及开窍活血方药对脑缺血胃肠损伤老龄大鼠神经肽和单胺神经递质的影响。 更详细进入...
Conductors let electricity through, but insulators don't let through.
中文: 导体让电流通过,而绝缘体则不让通过。 更详细进入...
17 No inspection unit ever passed combat.
中文: 通过检查的单位从来通不过实战考验。 更详细进入...
III) Those who do not guarantee the evacuation passageway and safety exist unblocked.
中文: (三)不能保障疏散通道、安全出口畅通的。 更详细进入...
A contentious no-trace camper always keeps a clean camp.
中文: 一个有争议的不留痕迹的露营者通常保持一个干净的营地。 更详细进入...
Do not undersize supply or oversize the valve in relation to demand.
中文: 根据需要确定供水管道和阀门通径。供水管道通径不要太小,阀门通径不要太大。 更详细进入...
Also, it can be utilized as a switch or shift of channels or connection sites when infusing.
中文: 旋塞可根据需要选用不同的类型,通常有二通道、三通道、四通道和三排通、五排通等几种类型。 更详细进入...
Secure communication is to communicate by the encryted information in order to make the information unseen by the third party.
中文: 保密通信是一种隐藏通信具体内容的通信方式,在现代信息社会中保密通信在保护信息不受窃取方面起到了重要作用。 更详细进入...
Not a bit of it! Superb systems of communication by air, sea and land make it possible for us to visit each other's countries at a moderate cost.
中文: 不只是一点。一流的通信系统让我们花适当的费用通过空气,海洋和陆地访问其他的国家成为可能。 更详细进入...
It's a quiet road. But we'll go through a tollbooth. That'll cost you a little extra.
中文: 那条路交通不繁忙,不过要经过一个收费站,你得额外付点的费用。 更详细进入...
A common criticism of Western business culture is that it is short-sighted, obsessed with the thrill of the deal and breeds disloyalty.
中文: 西方商业文化作出的一条普遍批评是这种行为是短视的,这项交易所带来的激动弄得人们鬼迷心窍,同时还繁衍出了背信弃义。 更详细进入...
It does, of course, record the data, and unlike the old recorder, which listened and recorded on a single channel, the new recorder is tuned to no less than 14 channels.
中文: 它就是记录数据的,和老的只能监听、记录单一通道的记录仪不同,新的记录仪被调整到不少于14个通道。 更详细进入...
A bottleneck may be tough to squeeze through, but once you do, the worst is behind you.
中文: 或许要通过瓶颈并不容易,不过一旦我们开始进行,事情只会更好,不会更糟。 更详细进入...
They do not occur in a decided frequency, but rather through a special modulation, the radio waves identity.
中文: 他们通常不发生在决定的频率,但更适合通过一个特定的调治,无线电波的特征。 更详细进入...
The reason first is inadequent of Yang Qi,then the Qi stagnant ,and blood block following,all these character result in the veins stagnant ,the blood sluggish,so the pain happened.
中文: 其病机先始因胸中阳气不足,继则气滞,痰浊,血淤乘之,导致经脉阻滞,血淤不通,不通则痛,就会出现一系列冠心病症候。 更详细进入...
I'm not convinced your idea will work, but I'll keep an open mind for the moment.
中文: 我还没想通是否你的意见可行,不过我先考虑一下。 更详细进入...