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Do not undersize supply or oversize the valve in relation to demand.

Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves molten gods; I am Jehovah your God. 4你们不可偏向偶像,也不可为自己铸造神像;我是耶和华你们的神。
Do not turn to mediums or to spiritists; do not seek after them to be defiled by them; I am Jehovah your God. 31不可偏向交鬼的和行巫术的;不可求问他们,以致被他们玷污了;我是耶和华你们的神。
Do not underestimate even little causes and conditions, when they ripen, the whole universe will quiver. 相信佛教青年的未来,无可限量」又说:「佛光青年团虽然是佛光会的一小步,却是世界人类的一大步。」
Do not underestimate your ability;everyone has unlimited potential. 不要小看自己,因为人有无限的可能。
Do not underrate the difficulty of carrying out this plan. 不可低估实行此计画的困难。
Do not undersize supply or oversize the valve in relation to demand. 根据需要确定供水管道和阀门通径。供水管道通径不要太小,阀门通径不要太大。
Do not use Contractoras a nickname unless that party is legally a contractor. 除非一方当事人在法定上就是承包人,否则不要将承包人作为其别称。
Do not use Check Arm as a handle to unscrew. 不要用止回阀臂作为把手来旋转螺纹。
Do not use a blower that has a brush attached. 不要使用任何带刷子的的皮吹。
Do not use ammeter in circuits with more than 32V present. 不得在电压不要超过32V的电路上测试电流。
Do not use an old or existing valve as it may be damaged or not adequate for the working pressure of the new water heater. 不要采用旧的或原有的阀门,否则可能会损坏或不符合新热水器的工作压力。

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