It is not to be industrious,so are the arts.What are you industrious for?
中文: 光勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁也是勤劳的,要看你为什么而勤劳? 更详细进入...
He was not in doubt as to the result: as he told a crowd at the huge Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, where he is pastor, he has remained faithful to his wife for three decades.
中文: 正如他告诉加利福尼亚州森林湖庞大的马鞍峰教会(他是那里的主管牧师)的信徒那样,他30年来对妻子忠心不二,因此他对结果毫无顾虑。 更详细进入...
When talking about their impression of the applicants, human resources officials said that students from poor families generally work hard, have a strong sense of responsibility and stronger willpower.
中文: 谈到对应聘者的印象时,人力资源负责人说,来自贫困家庭的孩子们普遍都吃苦耐劳,责任心强,意志坚定。 更详细进入...
They (the poor) are the first to experience technological progress as a curse which destroysthe old muscle-power jobs that previous generations used as a means to fight their way out of poverty.
中文: 穷人首先体验到了科学技术进步的危害,技术的进步摧毁了穷人赖以为生的体力劳动,而对于以往几代人来说,早先的体力劳动是一种用以摆脱贫困的手段。 更详细进入...
It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, composedly carrying his 16)gripsack and umbrella.
中文: 进来的是布兰特雷·马兰德,虽略显旅途劳顿,但泰然自若地提着他的大旅行包和伞。 更详细进入...
Aston Villa defender Martin Laursen will be out of action for up to three months with medial ligament damage.
中文: 阿斯顿维拉的后卫马丁?劳尔森因为内侧韧带的伤势有可能在三个月内无法上场。 更详细进入...
A: I am so sleepy that I can't keep my eyes open.
中文: 我太困了,困得我眼睛都睁不开。 更详细进入...
Transsphenoidal approach to sellar and surrounding region:comparison of endoscopic anatomy and microsurgical anatomy
中文: 经蝶窦入路至鞍区及周围结构:显微解剖与内镜解剖的比较 更详细进入...
The status of personal burnout and work-related burnout was measured by the Chinese version of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (C-CBI).
中文: 以「哥本哈根疲劳量表」做为测量疲劳的工具,包括「一般疲劳」与「工作相关疲劳」两个分量表。 更详细进入...
A state of uncertainty or perplexity.
中文: 窘境、困惑不确定或困惑的状态 更详细进入...
Even though Lazio had to dribble many unforeseen difficulties, last summer Lotito managed to some good, coveted players: Ledesma, Makinwa and Mauri.
中文: 尽管拉齐奥遇到了难以预料的困难,去年夏天,洛蒂托仍然为拉齐奥带来了一些出色的球员,比如:莱德斯马,马金瓦和毛里。 更详细进入...
Applied anatomy of the optic chiasma and its surrounding structures related with sellar tumour and its clinical significance
中文: 与鞍区肿瘤相关的视交叉及其邻近组织的解剖及其临床意义 更详细进入...
Man, it's rough considering who we're playing, the start of the season, the hype of the game, the lights,Kobe said.It's obviously a big night.
中文: 人的疲劳度是要考虑的,开始的比赛,开足马力的比赛时间,神科比.这是个伟大的夜晚. 更详细进入...
It is no good having a super model of a horse if it has not got the right aptitude for learning and a heart big enough to keep trying when the chips are down.
中文: 如果马匹没有善于学习的资质,和在紧要关头不断努力的雄心,再好的身体也是徒劳。 更详细进入...
Compared with his peers of the Party, MAO Ze-dong was the very man who had indeed caught on the essence of Marx's theory of distribution according to work.
中文: 摘要毛泽东与当时中共的其他领导人相比,他真正把握了马克思的按劳分配的本意。 更详细进入...
The problems experienced by the rural recruits in Britain in 1914 were many.
中文: 一九一四年英国来自乡间的新兵遇上不少问题,例如抽水马桶就令一些人大为困惑。 更详细进入...
An awkward or perplexing situation; a predicament.
中文: 困境令人难堪或困窘的形势;窘境 更详细进入...
Produced or characterized by sleepiness.
中文: 由困倦引起的,或以困倦为特征的 更详细进入...
Amniotic fluid embolization can have the same outcome as a large saddle pulmonary embolus.
中文: 羊水栓塞可产生类似于大鞍状血栓引起的肺动脉栓塞的后果。 更详细进入...
Xiuyan Jade, produced by the world as jade homespunAnshan City in Liaoning Province Manchu Autonomous County of Xiuyan.
中文: 岫岩玉,产自被世人誉为“玉乡”的辽宁省鞍山市岫岩满族自治县。 更详细进入...