Mall : Malls typically are enclosed, with a climate-controlled walkway between two facing strips of stores.
中文: 摩尔:典型的摩尔应具备人工气候,两边条状排列着许多商店的步行街。 更详细进入...
Even after his adoption into the imperial house, he still showed the same respect to his own relatives that he had borne them as a commoner, was as frugal and careful of his means as he had been when he lived in a private home, and was willing to act, spe
中文: 甚至在被皇室收养之后,他仍然像作为平民时那样,对他那些亲戚表示出相同的尊敬,他的生活同样地节俭和谨慎,如同当初住在家里一样,而且自愿地在行动,说话和思考上都遵循他父亲的原则。 更详细进入...
The use of Wallman deforming circuit brings the merits of a good linearity and high-speed attribute while overcomes the defect of sound thinness caused by Wallman circuit.
中文: 渥尔曼变形电路的应用,具有渥尔曼电路的良好线性与高速性,却又克服了渥尔曼电路声音单薄的缺点。 更详细进入...
Bill thought it was good riddance when his little brother broke his toy drum.
中文: 比尔的小弟弟弄破了他的玩具鼓时,他觉得很高兴。 更详细进入...
Her novels are an odd synthesis of English reserve and Welsh emotionalism.www.1zhao.
中文: 她的小说具有英格兰人的拘谨和威尔士人的激情。 更详细进入...
Aronszajn, N. Theory of Reproducing Kernels.Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 686 (1950): 337-404.
中文: 这篇文章对核再生希尔伯特空间理论有具体的解说。 更详细进入...
Telecoms were vital both for aid-workers—to co-ordinate helicopter flights and get them to areas of distress—and for the victims, whose hopes of avoiding destitution often depended on finding relatives in safer places.
中文: 无论是对救援人员,还是对受难者而言,电子通讯都极为重要:对于前者,电子通讯可用来协调直升机,并将援助人员带到受灾现场;对于后者来说,能否免于贫困之灾常常取决于他们能否找到其身处安全地区的亲戚。 更详细进入...
Like golf, curling can claim to be both Royal and ancient.
中文: 和高尔夫球一样,冰上溜石游戏也具有古老的皇家传统。 更详细进入...
Boolean Toolbox with five new Boolean tools and an Exercise: Combining Faces with the Boolean Tools.
中文: 面的布尔工具现在不是以插件形式出现了,而且功能加强。 更详细进入...
Letters such as Lear's were an important form of communication in 18th century America.
中文: 像利尔这样的信件,在18世纪的美国,是最主要的沟通工具。 更详细进入...
Adorno's aesthetic possesses an important position in the history of western aesthetics.
中文: 摘要阿多尔诺的美学思想在西方美学史上具有重要的地位。 更详细进入...
Having played golf, the wolf in wool rested on the tool stool in the zoo.
中文: 打过高尔夫球之后,穿羊毛衣的狼歇在动物园里的工具登上。 更详细进入...
The Churchill Crocodile wields a 6 Pounder gun and a fearsome flame projector.
中文: 丘吉尔鳄鱼挥舞着一管6磅的炮和一具恐怖的火焰喷射器。 更详细进入...
The players at both Porto and Chelsea have attested to the fact Mourinho is a masterful motivator and meticulous organiser.
中文: 波尔图和切尔西的球员都异口同声地承认穆里尼奥是位足智多谋的鼓动家及事无具细的组织者。 更详细进入...
Today is China's traditional holiday,Spring Festival,Is day which Chinese reunitesToday weather is especially sunny,In the morning,I and my father and mother visit relativesGoes paternal grandmother to meet in the afternoon celebrates the Spring Festival,
中文: 今天是中国的传统节日,春节,是中国人一家团聚的日子.今天的天气格外晴朗,上午,我和我的爸爸妈妈去走亲戚.下午又去把奶奶接回来过春节,晚上我们吃的是火锅.妈妈把准备好的羊肉、肉丸、青菜和一些豆腐都一一放进了火锅里煮。 更详细进入...
We pride ourselves in looking after your best interests; therefore, we are committed to provide our customers the clean room solution with most reliable quality, most competitive price and lowest operating cost, in order to create the highest value to our
中文: 净化室的良好运行与客户的良好生产运作休戚相关,因此,美埃净化科技承诺以全心的服务、最先进的工艺为客户提供品质最可靠、价格最有竞争力和最低营运成本的净化室解决方案,为客户创造最高效益,这是美埃公司及整个集团公司的宗旨。 更详细进入...
Special project financing such as golf courses, resorts, aircrafts, motels, furnishings, and so on.
中文: 5.特殊项目资金(高尔夫课程、求助、航天器、汽车旅馆、家具和其他)。 更详细进入...
Qishuyan Locomotive &Rolling Stock Works, situated in Changzhou City,Jiangsu Province and founded in 1905,covers an area of 1,760,000 square meters,owns 4,500 unitssets of various mechanical equipment , and possesses a comprehensive production capability
中文: 戚墅堰机车车辆厂地处经济发达、科技进步、风景秀丽、人杰地灵的江苏省常州市,创建于1905年,占地176万平方米,拥有各类机器设备4500台,具有锻铸、机加工、铆焊、热处理、工装模具等综合生产能力,以及齐全的理化试验、计量和检测手段,是我国铁路干线内燃机车、货车、大功率柴油机和铁路配件的重要生产基地,以优质的产品和优良的服务羸得客户信赖,产品销售遍及全国并远销至欧美等国际市场。 更详细进入...
Philharmonic toy factory was producing child care professional series of plastic toys, beach toys, naughty Salih, inflatable animals, the role of small, slides, swings, desktop educational toys, express bed, water leisure and recreational facilities, fitn
中文: 爱乐玩具厂是专业生产幼儿塑料玩具系列、沙滩玩具、淘气堡、充气弹跳、角色小屋、滑梯、秋千、桌面益智玩具、蹦蹦床、水上休闲娱乐设施、健身器材等贝尔认证产品。 更详细进入...
The American anthropologist-linguist Edward Sapir and his student Benjamin Lee Whorf proposed a sweeping, two-pronged hypothesis concerning language and thought.
中文: 美国人萨丕尔及其弟子沃尔夫提出的有关语言与思维关系的假设是这个领域里至今为止最具争议的理论。 更详细进入...