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    You'll be able to hire mercenaries to aid you as in the first Fallout game. You won't have much direct control over them.

    中文: 如同第一作,你可以雇雇佣兵来协助你。但无法直接控制他们。 更详细进入...
    Reserve soldiers in Category One shall be transferred to Category Two upon attaining the age of 29; those in Category Two shall be discharged from the reserve service at the age of 35.

    中文: 第一类预备役士兵,二十九岁转入第二类预备役;第二类预备役士兵,三十五岁退出预备役。 更详细进入...
    She did it without compromise of her reputation.

    中文: 她做这事而无损她的名誉。 更详细进入...
    There's no known cure for a cold.

    中文: 治疗感冒尚无知名的良方。 更详细进入...
    He was elected by ballot.

    中文: 他是由无记名投票选举的。 更详细进入...
    The 14 men and one woman hugged and kissed tearful relatives at a military base in southwest England ahead of a debriefing session, after landing in London from Tehran.

    中文: 从德黑兰抵达伦敦后,14名男水兵和1名女水兵前往位于英国西南部的一个军事基地与家人团聚,他们与热泪盈眶的家人互相拥抱、亲吻,之后接受了军方的询问。 更详细进入...
    Profe ional soldiers are predictable but the world is full of amateurs.

    中文: 专业士兵的行为是你能预测的,可惜战场上业余的士兵占多数,因此敌人的行为大部分是你所无法预测的。 更详细进入...
    rofessional soldiers are predictable but the world is full of amateurs.

    中文: 专业士兵的行为是你能预测的,可惜战场上业余的士兵占多数,因此敌人的行为大部分是你所无法预测的。 更详细进入...
    Commodities without contracts or sale receipts or with no place of production or name of the manufacturer identified shall be neither inspected and examined, nor let pass.

    中文: 无合同、无销售发票、无产地、无生产厂名称的商品不予检验、不得放行。 更详细进入...
    Master Foo turned back to the neophyte. The housecat may mock the tiger, said the master, but doing so will not make his purr into a roar.

    中文: 无名师转向新门徒.家猫也能欺负老虎,无名师说,但是猫叫永远比不过虎吼. 更详细进入...
    The 14 men and one woman hugged and kissed tearful relatives at a military base in southwest London ahead of a debriefing session, after landing in London from Tehran.

    中文: 从德黑兰抵达伦敦后,14名男水兵和1名女水兵前往位于伦敦西南部的一个军事基地与家人团聚,他们与热泪盈眶的家人互相拥抱、亲吻,之后接受了军方的询问。 更详细进入...
    Some added that Li's absence during the award ceremony resulted in her lackluster performance on the list.

    中文: 还有人说李宇春没有出席颁奖典礼才导致了她在名单上的黯淡无光。 更详细进入...
    Even that lumbering grit couldn't translate into production, though, as Doug Mientkiewicz grounded out to end the inning.

    中文: 当长名字先生敲出滚地球出局结束这局,这技安笨重的咬牙切齿上到三垒无法有所贡献。 更详细进入...
    Chinese American soldiers of the U.S. Army Signal Corps are photographed on parade before being deployed to the CBI Theater of Operations.

    中文: 美国陆军通讯兵连的中美士兵在部署中缅印军事行动战场之前在阅兵场的阅兵。 更详细进入...
    I was fed up working like a dog up front without too much resulting for me in return.

    中文: “我已经厌烦了做一名前场的工兵球员,因为我没有得到太多的回报。” 更详细进入...
    An Iranian news agency released new photos of the 15 British sailors and marines in Iranian custody.

    中文: 一所伊朗的通讯社公布了15名英国水兵在伊朗羁押期间的新照片。 更详细进入...
    The War Brides Act permits six thousand Chinese women to enter the United States as wives of U.S. servicemen.

    中文: 1945“战时新娘法”允许六千名中国妇女作为美国士兵的妻子进入美国。 更详细进入...
    At that moment, from behind the short bushes, there appeared the artillery ensign.

    中文: 此时从矮小的丛林后面出现了炮兵部队的军旗。 更详细进入...
    With the advent of gunpowder, Musketeers became the mainstay of European armies.

    中文: 由于火药的出现,持枪步兵成为欧洲军队的支柱。 更详细进入...
    Innovation and Development of Cavalry Weapon and Armor

    中文: 骑兵兵器与盔甲的改革和发展 更详细进入...

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