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With the advent of gunpowder, Musketeers became the mainstay of European armies.

With the advantage such as safety, reliability, attractive design and energy-saving, Rhein-R Passenger Conveyor becomes the necessary traffic tools in the public areas like storehouse, stations, docks and airports, and the most idea traffic tools for lugg 型自动人行道以其安全、可靠、美观、高效节能等优点,成为商场、车站、码头、机场等公共区域必不可少的交通工具,也是行李推车、超市购物车等最理想的交通工具。
With the advantages of good corrosion resistance and high yield strength, duplex stainless steel is being used more and more in Shipbuilding, Offshore, P&P industry and Potro-chemical industry. 摘要双相不锈钢以其优良的耐腐蚀性能和抗拉强度,在船舶制造、海洋平台、造纸设备、石化设备和桥梁建造等行业得到越来越多的应用。
With the advent of a British law that established inexpensive mail delivery, a market for sending greeting cards — for birthdays anniversaries almost any occasion imaginable — opened up overnight. 随着英国法律所规定的低廉的邮政体系的建立,贺卡寄送市场在一夜之间就出现了。人们互相寄送生日贺卡和周年纪念卡,对任何一种可想象到的场合,人们都要寄送贺卡。
With the advent of a new semester, I'm full of ambitions. 随着新学期的到来,我踌躇满志。
With the advent of commercial repeater stations, several customers can use the same repeater without listening to each others\' transmissions. 当商业转发台(中继台)诞生后,多个用户组可以通过一个中继台通连而不会互相听到话音。
With the advent of gunpowder, Musketeers became the mainstay of European armies. 由于火药的出现,持枪步兵成为欧洲军队的支柱。
With the advent of modern communications, the war has spilled over into the parlor. 随着现代通讯手段的进步,战争开始在客厅里泛滥。
With the advent of spring, everything comes to life again. 随着春天的到来,万物复苏了。
With the advent of the 11(superscript th) Five-year Plan, Jiangsu Province has to reform its educational investment system and attract more private capital if it is to make a historical leap from a large educational province to a strong one. 摘要进入“十一五”,江苏省要实现由教育大省向教育强省的历史跨越,有必要改革投资体制,吸聚更多的民间资本。
With the advent of the Internet boom, he graduated to become an astute investor and had the Midas touch in whatever company he invested in. 随着网络经济的繁荣,他成长为一位敏锐的投资者,他投资的任何一家公司都赚了大把的钞票。
With the advent of the new century, the updating cycle of knowledge has kept shortening, the demands of the society for talents tend to be more diversified and in favor of high-level intellectuals, thus lifelong education has come to be the concern of the 进入新世纪,知识更新周期不断缩短,社会对人才的需求趋于多元化和高层次,终身教育越来越为教育界乃至整个社会所关注。

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