where the shoe pinches is managerial mechanism of the development.
中文: 强化俱乐部的管理机制是俱乐部发展的关键所在。 更详细进入...
And, above all, how do we increase yield and productivity to cope with the increased demand for the oil?
中文: 总之,我们应该如何增加棕榈油的产量和生产力才能满足日益增长的需求? 更详细进入...
Taxonomic Revision and Supplement of Pteridophyte from Henan Province
中文: 河南蕨类植物增补与订正 更详细进入...
中文: 莲的根茎构造、伸长与增粗 更详细进入...
Convergence: A Strategic Analysis. A supplement to Network World, May 8, 2000.
中文: 《汇流:战略分析》,网路世界增刊号,2000年5月8日。 更详细进入...
Our duty is to meet the ever-increasing demands of our people.
中文: 7我们的责任是去满足人民日益增长的需要。 更详细进入...
Posing like the very symbol of the Westminster Kennel Club, a German shorthaired pointer called Carlee became America's top dog Tuesday night.
中文: 第129届威斯敏斯特犬俱乐部犬类大赛2月14日至15日在纽约举行。共有165个品种,大约2500多只小狗参加了比赛。 更详细进入...
There appears to be a growing discontent about inflation.
中文: 对通货膨胀似乎有一种日渐增长的不满情绪。 更详细进入...
User can now only select one team as their feeder club at any one time from the news item.
中文: 玩家只能从新闻栏中选择一个俱乐部为关联俱乐部。 更详细进入...
Completely exhausted both physically and mentally, and suffering from frostbite, Weissner and Pasang reached Base Camp on July 24.
中文: 身心俱疲,又遭受冻伤的痛苦折磨,维斯纳和帕桑总算在7月24日抵达了大本营。 更详细进入...
However, there is increasingly strong evidence of a genetic predisposition to scleroderma.
中文: 然而,存在硬皮病遗传因素的日益增长的证据。 更详细进入...
Interestingly, feeding a high fibre diet, based predominantly on soluble fibre, has been shown in to increase subsequent lactation feed intakes possibly due to increased gut capacity(Table 3).
中文: 一个很有意思的事实是:妊娠期采用可溶性纤维配制的高纤维日粮可以增加泌乳期的采食量,这可能与高纤维增大了肠道容量有关。 更详细进入...
The movable are so odd.
中文: 那套家俱很希罕。 更详细进入...
I'm in the ski club.
中文: 我在滑雪俱乐部。 更详细进入...
Lozenge - Honesty and constancy, also held to be a token of noble birth.
中文: 菱形-诚实和坚定,这也被认为是他作为贵族而与生俱来的天赋。 更详细进入...
The party's advanced nature is neither self-given or inherent, nor get easily.
中文: 摘要党的先进性不是自封的和与生俱来的,也不是一劳永逸的。 更详细进入...
At last, the presider gave thanks to the non-members of MSTC.
中文: 最后,主席代表俱乐部为来听讲座的非俱乐部会员致谢。 更详细进入...
There are fears over the star's future at the club as his uneasy relationship with certain sections of the fans continue.
中文: 由于维耶里与球迷关系僵化,因此曾有担心他在俱乐部的将来。 更详细进入...
When Japan gave in to U.S. pressure in the 1980s to strengthen the yen, the result was a decade-long economic malaise.
中文: 20世纪80年代,当日本迫于美方压力使日元增值的时候,其结果就是日本长达十年的经济不振。 更详细进入...
H2S and cellular proliferation and apoptosis
中文: 硫化氢与细胞的增殖和凋亡 更详细进入...