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The party's advanced nature is neither self-given or inherent, nor get easily.

The party was postponed until 8 o'clock. 晚会推迟到8点举行。
The party was really neat -- we had good fun. 这次聚会真是美妙极了--我们玩得非常开心。
The party was rent in two. 这个政党分裂成两派。
The party was very dull until Smith jazzed it up with his drums. 舞会开始很沉闷,直到史密斯表演击鼓后气氛才活跃起来。
The party went with a swing. 聚会搞得有声有色.
The party's advanced nature is neither self-given or inherent, nor get easily. 摘要党的先进性不是自封的和与生俱来的,也不是一劳永逸的。
The party's decision to enact the law in spite of that resistance is a great symbolic victory for economic reform and the rule of law. 这个政党不顾阻力仍然颁布该法律的决定,对经济改革和法治来说是一个伟大的象征性的胜利。
The party's main plank is reducing taxes. 该党政纲的基点是减税。
The party's main power base is the middle class and the skilled manual workers. 这个政党的主要力量基础是中产阶级和技术手工工人。
The party's platform featured support for the family, slashing welfare, a greater role for private health care and vague calls that immigrants conform to local customs. 该党的政纲主要是:赞同家庭的重要性,批评福利,主张私人医疗保障的更大作用,以及不太明确的要求移民需要与当地习俗保持一致。
The party's platform is reducing taxes. 那个政党的政治纲领是减税。

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