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    B: No a etite, always on edge, and I can't sleep well.

    中文: 没有胃口,总是很紧张,觉也睡不好。 更详细进入...
    He seemed very nervous, l 4 at his watch from time to time.

    中文: 他似乎很紧张,不时地在看著手錶。 更详细进入...
    I'm all stressed out about this new job.

    中文: 我因这个新工作而感到紧张不安。 更详细进入...
    It's no matter whether you get there early or late.

    中文: 不论你到那里早或晚都无关紧要。 更详细进入...
    No sugar for me, thanks; I'm watching my waistline.

    中文: 我不要糖,谢谢,我正在紧盯著腰围。 更详细进入...
    The office is very untidy. Please clean it.

    中文: 2办公室里很不整洁,赶紧打扫下。 更详细进入...
    Whenever I think of …, I can not but feel nervous.

    中文: 每当我想到…,我就忍不住感到紧张。 更详细进入...
    For neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation.

    中文: 加6:15受割礼不受割礼、都无关紧要、要紧的就是作新造的人。 更详细进入...
    The guy was hanging on to my leg like his life depending on it.

    中文: 有一个家伙紧紧抓住我的腿不放,好像找到了救命稻草一样。 更详细进入...
    B: No appetite, always on edge, and I can't sleep well.

    中文: 没有胃口,总是很紧张,觉也睡不好。 更详细进入...
    The merest little thing makes him nervous.

    中文: 最微不足道的小事也会使他紧张。 更详细进入...
    The point is to win at any cost .

    中文: 要紧的是不惜一切代价取得胜利。 更详细进入...
    We didnt want to continue the tension.

    中文: 我们不希望让紧张(局势)继续下去。 更详细进入...
    Why don't you palm off the stocked goods now?

    中文: 你为什么不赶紧甩掉手中的存货? 更详细进入...
    Calculate to the person also unimportant with the stupid stupid impression.

    中文: 就算给人以蠢笨的印象也不要紧。 更详细进入...
    He wants a shirt that does not bind him.

    中文: 他要一件不使他觉得过紧的衬衫。 更详细进入...
    I get cold feet when I have to go to one.

    中文: 每次去到那里我就紧张得不得了。 更详细进入...
    It does not move my means of muscular tension.

    中文: 它并不通过肌肉紧张的方式移动。 更详细进入...
    LL: I didn't realize that exams turned you into such a basket case. Why do you worry so much when you always get good grades?

    中文: 嗯,现在我只有在考试的时候才会紧张。每学期总是有一个礼拜,我会紧张得睡不着,吃不下。 更详细进入...
    LL: That's pretty normal. How about now? Are you still a basket case? Or have you adjusted to life in the U.S.?

    中文: 嗯,现在我只有在考试的时候才会紧张。每学期总是有一个礼拜,我会紧张得睡不着,吃不下。 更详细进入...

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