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    Mr Straw is keen for the reform to stick this time and has come up with a new way of expressing preference for different options that should lead to agreement—in the Commons, at least—on reform.

    中文: 施特劳此次则要毕其功于一役,他已提出数项方案以争取就改革问题达成一致意见,至少在下院要做到这一点。 更详细进入...
    Cloisonné is the technique of creating designs on metal vessels with colored-glass paste placed within enclosures made of copper or bronze wires, which have been bent or hammered into the desired pattern.

    中文: 景泰蓝是指,在金属器物上用有色玻璃料分别填充在由铜或青铜丝经过弯曲捶打而围成的图案区域,从而形成设计图案的工艺。 更详细进入...
    Lara Croft, meet Jacqueline Natla, of Natla Technologies.

    中文: 劳拉·克劳馥,这是纳特拉科技公司的杰奎琳·纳特拉。 更详细进入...
    Jack Daly, McDonald's senior vice president, said in a statement the company had not reviewed the case yet and is testing its fries for gluten through a food allergy research program at the University of Nebraska.

    中文: 麦当劳高级副总裁杰克·戴利在一份声明中表示,公司目前尚未对这起案例进行调查,但麦当劳薯条中的麦麸成分正在内布拉斯加州大学的一个食物过敏研究中心接受检测。 更详细进入...
    British singer noted for his comic stage persona, a wry and nostalgic Highlander.

    中文: 劳德,哈里·麦克伦南1870-1950美国歌唱家,以讽刺怀旧的苏格兰高地人的喜剧舞台形象而著名 更详细进入...
    For them discipline in one form or another is the most hopeful path.

    中文: 但这是徒劳的。对他们来说,用某种形式的纪律约束他们一下才能有希望使他们走上正道。 更详细进入...
    Chiu, Su-Fen. 1996. An exploratory study on the effectiveness of labor control in Taiwan. Paper presented at Proceeding of the 14th Annual International Labour Process Conference, Aston University, England.

    中文: 邱淑芬,1995,「解析劳基法制定与修订之政治过程」,普罗化、劳动法与劳动体制:台湾的劳动研究之二研讨会,中央研究院民族学研究所。 更详细进入...
    After all, only wide-ranging, compulsory schemes will make a real difference in reducing emissions and minimising climate change; the odd bit of offsetting here and there will not.

    中文: 总体而言,只有大范围,强制性的方案才能真正减少排放并使气候变动最小化;而零星的区域性抵消是徒劳无功的。 更详细进入...
    Occasionally, a high-profile deportation gains widespread media coverage, as happened recently with Portuguese-born workers in Toronto.

    中文: 时不时,各媒体会报道那些引人注目的递解出境案件,就像最近发生在多伦多的一批葡裔劳工递解出境的报道。 更详细进入...
    The police are trawling (through) their files for similar cases.

    中文: 警方正在查阅类似案件的档案. 更详细进入...
    Tony was found to be an accomplice in the crime.

    中文: 人们发现托尼是该案的同案犯。 更详细进入...
    Brief narration on minutes or Gong-an-bu of the Gongtang(the Chinese Council in Batavia) archives

    中文: “吧国公堂”档案之《公案簿》述略 更详细进入...
    Case studies will be used to allow the attendees to go through various situations to familiarize themselves how to spot problems and make lending decisions.

    中文: 通过案例讨论的方法,使参加者通过不同的情形去学习如何识别问题,作出决定。 更详细进入...
    Provides the optoelectronic technical support to the program manager to create the dedicated, professional and standardized offer package to the market.

    中文: 为项目负责人提供光伏电子技术支持,面向市场形成专业和标准化的整体方案。 更详细进入...
    All in all, the present study results in terms of the prevalence and correlates of cigarette smoking and cognition of tobacco hazard control act and compliance of tobacco hazard control act among workplace labors may be used as a reference for tobacco haz

    中文: 综合言之,经由本研究之分析结果,以了解职场劳工吸烟情形和与吸烟有关的因素,以及职场劳工对烟害防制法的认知和烟害防制法于职场内运行情形,供卫生单位推动职场卫生保健有关烟害防制的参考。 更详细进入...
    James: Open the door, Laura.

    中文: 詹姆斯:开门,劳拉。 更详细进入...
    You can't get something for nothing.

    中文: 你不能不劳而获. 更详细进入...
    He that labors and thrives spins gold.

    中文: 劳动聚财如聚金. 更详细进入...
    Laurie &Sue: That's a good idea.

    中文: 劳丽和苏:好主意。 更详细进入...
    People were working in the fields.

    中文: 人们在田间劳动。 更详细进入...

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